Just another Shooter


Honestly I like most games to a point, whether it's the story behind it or at least the gameplay or strategy.  This one however I was not a huge fan of.  This is a typical shooter with the basic game modes of Team Deathmatch, Control Points, and Capture the Flag.  After the first few times of playing and trying to get three stars on a level (combination of kills, placing, and bonuses) I got a little bored with it.  Being the guy I am, I pushed through hoping that the story would at least make it somewhat worth it.  I dunno if it's me getting cynical but I just couldn't get behind the story at all.   Well we'll get into the meat of the game anyway.

So the idea is pretty simple; you spawn, collect weapons around the level and kill the baddies (aliens and zombies for the most part).  Pretty straight foward.  As you play on you earn credits to unlock new weapons from each class, upgrade the weapons, and add perks to your character.  A lot of weapons are unlocked with stars earned during the campaign so you can't just play the same level over and over again just to earn enough credits to buy the biggest baddest guns and perks in the game so that at least keeps things interesting.  Basically it comes down to what kind of player are you and what guns do you tend to use most?  For me its between assault rifles and shotguns but there are options to upgrade that wimpy pistol you start out with too.  For others there are exposives, sniper rifles, and whatnot to keep everyone happy.  Overall I played this game to get the badges and that's about it.  I didn't enjoy it and I still have to beat the Alien Campaign (unlocked after beating the Human campaign) but honestly I dunno if it's worth my time.  Obviously everyone has their games that just love and you can beat me down as a blasphemer if you wish, but this just wasn't my cup of tea.  I would rather spend my time on something that's a little more than the same basic game modes over and over.

Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating