Not as good as the second one


This is a Point & Click game where you control a cubical figure (surely a robot) on a puzzly surreal world. To progress, you have to figure out the puzzles...Just like in every Point & Click game, obviously.

I find this game to be a lot more boring than the second one, it's because the puzzles are bland, they're a lot easier and not imaginative at all. Not that Gateway II had any cool innovative puzzles itself, but still, better than Gateway I's.

Also, I think there is a lot less scary factor here. I know Gateway II is not scary, but it did have some creepiness on it. Gateway I has...Some, but not as much as Gateway II sadly (or luckily if you don't like creepiness on a not-supposed-to-be-scary game).

And be WARNED, there's a bug in the room with the TV in which if you click the TV and go back when you had the power cord or the extension cord attached to the plug, they will vanish. If you got caught from it, use the number 954271. Don't thank me, thank the people that figured that out. Heh, they must be Martyrs or so.

Talking about the graphics, it's a cubical, surreal style with no details at all. All you'll ever see are cubes, cubes, cubes...Well not cubes, just cubical figures. You will not see details like faces, door being broken and so on.

There's also an inventory system in which you can also combine stuff with others. The game is short though, you won't see much tools, you'll think the inventory system was just useless. At least it's easy and simple to use.

So, I'd say it's mediocre, maybe Point & Click lovers will love it or even not, but still, give it a try. I still think Gateway II is a lot more fun.

Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating