FISH Inc, Fish tank simulation Incremental/Idle


FISH Inc. fish tank simulation Inceremental Idle game for those who love fish and poking them all the time.

Have you always wanted to have an fish tank? no room at your home? or too pricey or bothersome to upkeep? No worries here you got your very own!
now its fairly simple Incremental/Idle game click... wait.. click.. more you click more you earn, more you Idle more you earn :D simple! and that's not all! there are several kind of fancy fish to add into your tank.. okay okay.. only 5 different ones but hey! Idle games aren't supposed to be too fancy (lag and so on)
too much fancy stuff and the browsers drop the game for slow motion from Max Payne. 

so sit down enjoy and see how your fish swim (away from you as you click) and go around in their own  little life as you gain points and fame (the score board) level up and earn you some points.

At start the game is almost too slow, but when you get hang on the click and wait, the fish will level up and so you earn more and more. finally you are ended up with fish tank full of fish and you are left to wonder why they arent eating each of other? 

i would give the game  6/10 score. it is enjoyable game for sure but after one round of maxing fishes (50/40/30/20/10)
only minus points are too loud music compared to other games and the shortness of it.

Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating