Painful Red Crappy Crucible 2


Graphics wise is fairly Counter Strike-like graphics. There isn't much to say but just the models, and guns are just simplistic. It's one of your ordinary military vs terrorists type of game. There are ranks and it matchmakes all of the matches you browse narrow you down to the players at that level (which I think its pretty meh, can't complain too much about it). One huge con is that this game is entirely P2W (pay-to-win). There is no doubt about it, there are coins and players buying "high leveled" weapons to kill the people like I don't know 2 shots with the least amount of armor ? (armor explained later). However, the good part of the game (probably the only good part aside for my rant), is that there are classes! Yay, different type of gun users (Assault, Sniper, Support, and Demolition >> sorry Support is no medic). It's recommended to spread your loadouts (good thing you can switch gun users) with different type of classes for different type of situations. There isn't anything to say much about the classes option, I mean Sniper can only carry a sniper (ex. AWP, duhh).By using the levels to good use, you can level up your guns to different guns that provides better mobility, increase in damage, and sometimes reload time. At times you reach to a point where the Assault weapons switch from Rifle to Shotgun. Another thing, snipers in this game shoots ridiculously fast (5 shots per second ? oh wow, where can I get those ?) I rather define them as carbines than snipers .. but in this game, its apparently a sniper! By the increase of levels increases your armor level to other use of armors which is basically saying to level them up for your league or else you will face an iNsTa-kill when you play in all matches. Leveling up in this game requires you to have skill (you need to kill or else you are stuck with the peewee guns in the peewee league). What can you do with money ? There are coins and honor points, honor points is the common currency meanwhile the coins are premium (get them when you level up or buy them with real money). You could buy premium weapons with coins and they provide better stats and gives you a boost (somewhat) in games (which is entirely unbalanced). You come in set with 4 maps (two soldier to soldier, and two vehicilar maps). If you want, you could buy maps ... really you have to buy maps for further entertainment ? Yep.. Vehicles .. there are helicopters, tanks, light tanks, and anti-air. They all perform fairly similarily, except for helicopter which is somewhat awkward to handle. For "balacning" purposes, all of their weapons deals the same amount of damage. The armor/health of the vehicles is the critical weakness. 
The controls are pretty basic, although, the movement is the problem. You don't strafe with your keyboard; instead you strafe with your mouse which is entirely awkward when you start playing the game. Other than that, everything else in character movement is simple. There are support (call in an air strike or throw grenades), requires you to hit a specific key to use it (which I rather prefer in my opinion to switch through the available support that you have ..). The support keys aren't that complicated and also you CANNOT change your key bindings, which really sucks for players who has keyboards that doesn't support certain characters. Lastly, when you look around with your mouse, it isn't smooth, it's circular and it's not very instant and direct. You could change the sensitivity but it won't help, it will just smooth out the circularity of the look interface.
Most of the gunshots on most guns (or I should say all of it) sounds REALLY simple. There isn't any diversity in the sound of the gunshots, meaning that the M16 sounds like the FN FAL, and the M9 is the same as the Berreta (at least tune the pitch of the shots to differentiate between the two). The music .. yes the music, it's metal/rock and just loops over and over in the main menu which is rather annoying. The music is really low quality and crap, so I recommend disabling music in options. 
Summary (The overall jist of it)
To finalize, its quite an addicting game to play, however the performance and gameplay is REALLY BAD. The vehicles in the game are appealing, but not as fun when you come into soldier to soldier combat. Expect a short summary out of this, because I would not recommend playing this game. Why ? It's baadd. Developers don't care about bugs/glitches and hackers. They don't care about updating the stupid game. They are all in for the money. Don't even expect them to update the graphics and change anything else. Though, with the hacks available here, it's fun using those than playing it without hacks. I do recommend this game if you are superior bored and have nothing else to play. Then well, play this as a time killer... (It's painfully bad in the red zone. However, it has to be it's second crucible which makes it more crappier meaning that their previous generation was much crappier.)


Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating