Looks great. Is fine.


Frozen Islands is a game made by MARTINIRosso, the same guy who made Strikeforce Kitty. Strangely, this one has no performance drops because of "memory leaks" (according to some sources, dunno why the two SK games got that). Anyway, the game by itself is okay, it's not unique in any way but it is fun.

The only problem is that, it easily gets boring, although slowly and not hastily. The funny thing is, yes I did mention it's not unique, but it is trying to be unique. How? Getting cash is not by just killing enemies and replaying levels (it actually seems that you can't replay though), you are apparently a wagelord of sorts and you collect people's taxes, any time you want. Problem about that? You can't always do it, yep. If you do, these villagers will get mad and make a rebellion, just like real life. To reduce this "rebellion level", you got to invade enemy islands. I guess it makes sense, people always love to have more than they get and such.

The gameplay is pretty much automatic; you choose your soldiers and send them to fight. Since they're Vikings, they love it, just like me! Hoho! Vikings rule. Anyway, you only start with the regular swordsmen, you need to unlock more vikings by attacking islands that have them.

Each unit has a special ability, the more of these the stronger the ability. For example, Skirmishers can throw 3 spears at a quick pace, each one of them. The Swordsmen can make a jumping attack that deals heavy damage to each individual (hence the more these units are, the stronger the ability).

There is apparently a level up system, but all it does is increase unit capacity, that's all. No special abilites or anything. This is probably kind of compensated for the upgrades system, in which you can upgrade your troops. All the upgrades are basic, it's just one button on each unit and it increases their HP more than anything else. The upgrade system, although basic and simple, is very boring.

As I said, this game is "automatic", whenever you attack enemies, you can't order your units. It's not just this what makes the game kinda boring after some time playing, it's also at how you always do the same shit; get island, get gold, repeat. It's pretty much like that, that's why many people say it's good at the start and boring in the end.

Now, for graphics, the details are dim because this game is a cartoon. It does look nice, but there really isn't much to talk about that.

For sounds, there is something that might be worth mentioning. It seems that the sounds have been recycled from Strikeforce Kitty. I know, I know, you will not hear a cat cry but you will hear the distinct attack sound whenever any unit attacks.

Music? Almost exactly like in Strikeforce Kitty (not saying that it's EXACTLY from Strikeforce Kitty), there is only one on each menu. For example, there's only one in the menu and only one in combat. It gets very boring easily to keep listening to this, I wish the dev could do something more than this about it.

This is all I've got to say about the game. I do recommend people to try it out, but not those that are quick to get bored.

Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating