Royal Squad, Great Game.


Royal Squad is a strategy game in which it acts very similarly to a Tower Defense, but it's not your typical Tower Defense game at all. It is a great game, I really like it and I highly recommend for everyone to give it a try.

First of all, gameplay. As I said, it's a strategy game that looks like a Tower Defense, which, although it is similar to one, seems to run far away from it, even further than Kingdom Rush.
Apparently, you don't have any place to add towers, they are already put. Now, it doesn't even matter how you use your units, it matters which you use and how many of them you put. Besides, even the unit placement is automatic. Now, you got the chance to use "Focus Fire", which means what it means; wherever you aim, your archers (but not mages, mind you) will focus fire on that position. That thing is actually very useful since you can hastily destroy a group than pray for them to aim at them instead. Also, it's great against problematic enemies such as the Shaman and the Witch.

Oh yeah, the units...Well, you only got two; Archers and Mages. The good thing is, they got subtypes as well. Archers can be just plain Archers, Snipers or Crossbowmen, each have their own ability such as shooting faster and having a chance to stun an enemy, shooting 99% accurately than others with a chance for a headshot and shooting slower but with 50% more damage and 60% armour piercing while also being able to pierce the armour for your fellow comrades to pass through the armor as well. That is respectively.

As for the mages, you get three subtypes as well, the Blue Mage, Red Mage and Black Mage. The Blue Mage is very slow, but will deal heavy damage and ignore armour (Unless it's magical), Red Mage is slightly stronger but his range is so shitty, it is compensated by dealing a very nice SPLASH damage, finally the Black Mage is pretty much like a Blue Mage on steroids, or half-steroids, since he does 50% more damage and attacks 50% faster, but just like the Red Mage, his range is just piss poor.

One feature I really like is that, when you deploy your "tower units", you can redo it after some time has passed. Great! Imagine that; You add 3 Snipers and 1 Blue Mage, then you realize that you need "Group-killin' experts", just redeploy your group with 3 Archers and 1 Red Mage, there ya go! And as far as I noticed, there's absolutely no penalty about doing this, except that when you've redeployed, even the ones that you kept won't shoot for at least 1.5 second. Still, I really love this feature, it's very nice and I'm not sure if it's even strategical or tactical to be honest, but if it is, fine by me! I hope you tacticians and strategists are happy too.

Now, you don't just get tower units, just like on many Tower Defense games, you get "Spells". These spells range from your good ol' spells like Lightning Strike and Ice to Traps such as the good ol' Mantraps and Gas Trap. It is better to use them tactically than just for fun or so, but I think that's common sense in all strategy games.

You can also deploy a "temporal army" of 3 units in the battlefield. If they die, they just disappear, no lives lost (unless taking a challenge). Unlike in Royal Warfare, these guys can't be controlled at all, they will automatically attack anybody they see.

For the graphics, let's talk about performance first; It's FUCKING GREAT. That's right. The performance in this game is just fantastic, you can play it for like 6 hours and still have great performance. Even if you got more than 500 units onscreen, the performance is still nice. I say this due to my experiences with MartiniRosso's games such as Strikeforce Kitty, but also because games where a lot of enemies appear on screen tend to lag. Well guess what? Not this one in your life. I may be exaggerating though, but my PC is not really that great itself. I'd like to know a guy that has performance issues with this game though, because I bet nobody does

Okay now, the aesthetics? I can't say much about them, I think it's great although not detailed by itself. That is, you don't see the faces on your units, but you can see some vague faces on zombies for example. You don't really see much blood, animations or cool effects, not even the spells are cool. Does this make the graphics bad? Nope, this just makes the graphics not fancy, they're more AUSTERE than fancy, and I deeply respect that. Why care about graphics when you can care about gameplay? Austerity rules the world.

For sound? Remember Royal Warfare? In Royal Warfare, there were voices, but it seems that in Royal Squad there isn't any at all. Doesn't really bother me, just informing. Now, the sound of arrows, lightning striking and all that...To be honest, I don't really care about sound much so I can't say much either way.

Music here is, oh damn, GREAT! Some may say "Epic", I wouldn't, it's probably not epic at all, but I can say that it is indeed very inspiring. The main menu theme sure is, the map menu is a little bit more relaxed but pleasant to hear and you'll get thrilled when you hear the combat music. It may seem that the variety is not that big, but for how great it is, it doesn't even matter. These songs are just so goddamn great I wanna rip them out myself. Maybe I should, I am able to after all.

So, overall, there are many reasons this game is great and, dunno if I said it before, everyone should give it a try. It IS worth a try.

Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating