Simple Yet Addictive


Boss Rush Apocalypse is a very simple game in which you control a little fighter who initially has just two abilities; swing its sword and hop.  You defeat each enemy by striking it with your sword, but nothing is ever that simple. The Bosses spit a variety of projectiles: small balls, big balls, laser beams and little balls with wings.  Each projectile has its own range and flight path.  Lasers, for example, fly in a straight path so if you stand still they will eventually hit you.  The wingless balls have a short range, whereas the winged ones combine the laser's range with the ball's loop, so they tend to glide a long distance.

When a boss dies, you get a choice of one of two rewards that can be: 5 second shield, +1 MaxHp, +1 damage, +6 current health or a jetpack.  Once you've picked your prize a new (tougher) boss arrives sporting extra heads.  Not all heads fire projectiles, but running into any will still cost 1 hp, so don't get too close.  The jetpack makes striking the heads at the top easier.  The structure of the Boss is: top is weakest while the ground ones are strongest.  If you kill off a lower head that has other heads above it, they too will disappear.  Killing the heads at the base destroying the whole creature.

Each level the new Boss has more HP and more fire-power and your little fighter remains weak.  The main tactic is to jump over or scoot under projectiles and strike the Boss and repeating until it dies.  At later levels using the jetpack to fly over and around the enemy is really helpful.

While it is a very basic game, it is addictive do give it a try.

Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating