The (Somewhat)Biased Reassembly Review


Physical Qualities 7/10
The game looks and sounds great.

While the game might at times look overly flashy if there's a lot of action going on, there isn't really all that much to complain about. A few tweaks here and there in the options menu will probably fix most problems that people will have with the visuals; and while this may just be my personal opinion, I find that I quite like the graphic style of this game as a top-down 2D block based space game, simple as it is.

The sound may be somewhat sub-par in terms of variety, but it does its job with decent quality. I don't find the soundtrack too bad and find that I quite like it. It can be soothing or action-y when it needs to. The actual sounds of the various objects in the game are decent and do their job well, though some are reused for other items and can grow repetitive after listening to the same weapon firing sound for 1+ hours depending on how fast you upgrade your equipment.

Gameplay 9/10
The game runs brilliantly with wonderful performance on my rig, though that may be just me.

The controls are somewhat difficult to get used to (for me at least) since it following Newtonian physics, making even the slightest of adjustments that seem small turn out to be a big deal with some of the larger ships.

They shipbuilding mechanics themselves are sort clunky, without the ability to mirror ships as you make them causing build times to be much longer than they should be; and the only mirror option there is require you to drag and select sections to mirror, making proper alignment difficult, especially with some of the unique blocks with odd geometries that some factions use.

Now onto what you actually do in the game: you pick a faction, build a ship, and try and spread the influence of your faction all over the galaxy by repairing stations or building new ones while destroying everyone else.
You build ships using a variety of base blocks that can usually be either made larger or smaller, and then adding "system" blocks that have funtions and abilities (thrusters, generators, weapon systems, etc). Then you take these ships and try to navigate your way around the galaxy, spreading the influence of your faction.

Replayability 10/10
I personally find the replayability of this game to be increadible, with player ships being added to the database everyday and factions being made available as you destroy their larger ships. There are even wormholes that allow you to travel to other "galaxies" and conquer those, though that in turn allows AI fleets made by other players to enter your world and generally fuck shit up, since the fleets that are most likely to be able to beat you are usually the ones selected.

Hack Power 0(1?)/10
Nothing so far, and I'm not nearly skilled enough yet to make one for a game like this.

Overall Rating 9/10
I personally really like this game, and recommend it to anyone else that's interested in a top-down 2D space game that's affected by Newtonian physics.


Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating