Not even for the "Puzzle Lovers"


Remember "Doodle God"? You might do if you're into puzzles or into getting Kongregate badges. It's a puzzle game where you have to make "combinations" to proceed. For example, mix Earth with Fire to make Lava and so on.

It can be fun, especially if you are into puzzles, but for this game, there is one huge problem...

First of all, the game forces you to view self-advertising advertisement. That's right. Wanna play Doodle God Blitz? Expect to ask them to play Doodle Mage or Doodle Creatures or whatever the hell these assholes (or asshole) make(s).

Secondly, you got a "pay system", you need to buy hints now...And 3 other things, one of them being a useful "Avoid same combo" feature, which you have to buy and is the most expensive. Luckily, it's not ingame money, but it is if you know that getting a lot of "Energy" (Ingame money) requires getting some Kreds to buy it.

Thirdly, it's not just those ads, it's also goddamn annoying popups begging you every goddamn minute to play one of the game's fucking "Quests", which are just boring shits where you have to combine something that is not already made. The hell? Just leave me play the game in peace.

Oh and just last, there's actually an advert that begs you to rate it 5 Stars. Yeah, nice. No "Like the game? Give it a rate!"? Just "RATE IT FIVE BECAUSE YOU LIKE THE GAME!!!". This proves the devs just don't care at all about your rating. Also, ignore the comments about how this asshole listens to you, he doesn't, and he lied or faked it, you'll understand why. Wait, now I'm being kind of a hypocrite with this...

This game has just sooooo many flaws it really outfavors the gameplay and graphics by infinite.

Okay, so, let's go with gameplay. You combine the elements and get other elements, then you repeat until you get more and more elements. That's it. It's as repetitive, boring and shitty as that, unless you somehow love puzzles. If you do, please try other games, you can even try "Doodle God" and "Doodle God 2", but fuck Blitz.

As for graphics, boy is it stupid; You can obviously see the compression artefacts on it, especially on the buttons. The funny thing is that, there are some animations for some...Stuff, such as the Fish, but not for something that might also make sense, such as the Birds. What's up with the animation here? "Let's give it to fish but not the birds, fuck the birds, give 'em the bird!"?

Sound and music. The sounds are just stupid, you'll hear more the voice of that idiot with his idiotic quotes (unless you disable the voices, I recommend that) and pretty much a holy sound when you find a new element. Also, you'll notice that the music is ambient, relaxing, peaceful...And repetitive. Nothing good about the sound and music.

I may have made a review a lot would disagree, but seriously, do you like playing a game you might enjoy, but then get a thousands of pop-ups? I tried my best, but nothing here is good.

If you are extremely patient and you love puzzles, do give it a try, it might be fun. If you played Doodle God 1 and 2 before, don't expect anything new here.

Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating