The war follows the humanity from the beginning...


"Age of war" is a strategy game, where two camps are in conflict for like... just the beginning of the human civilization.
You will have to destroy the enemy base while you protect your base, by buying units with money and evolve through ages with experience, by killing enemies units.
The game has a minimum of 3 types of units across periods of time like Middle Ages or Modern Times to send to the enemy :

  • The first unit is a melee class, it's the less costly unit.
  • The second unit is a ranged-melee class, more expensive, it can shoot behind another unit (for the class 3) or 2 units (for class 1 & 2).
  • The third unit is a tank class, it's the most expensive of the 3 classes, the most resistant and the most powerful, but they are slower.

You can protect your base by buying turrets, and replace them while you evolve, or by using a special attack, which has a cooldown.
The difficulty of the game goes from normal to impossible, but even in normal, a mistake can evolve to a bankrupt, which means the defeat in war.
The mains drawbacks are :

  • The graphics seems to be made by paint, it looks too simple.
  • There isn't any way to pause the game while playing, so your WC doesn't have to be your priority.
  • The interface could be quite better, you have to go back in the menu to see the turrets available, and go back again to the menu to sell the old ones, and go back again to buy the new turrets, and go back again to buy units, etc...

It's just to trying to see your army winning that you will replay at this game, or to destroy the enemy by cheating.
Overall this game seems to be more like a beta version (or even alpha because of the graphics) than a "complete" game, but playing at this one time is recommended to see the evolution between this game and its sequel.

Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating