Wordsmithing Required


If you like to use a game to enhance vocabulary you already know, then you will do well. If you don't have a good command of the english language, forget it. You will do horrible at this and hate it. Simply, you need to know some obscure words that capture either the first three or last three letters offered. Meaning, if you get "fli..." and "...ion" you would need words like "flight" or "flilling" for the first one and "onion" and "destruction" for the latter. If you can think of words that are fairly obscure like "fliament" or "flimplammed" you get better scoring obviously so this may be a hang up for those with limited vocabulary. Before you play this game for the achievements I recommend scrabble. Lots, and lots of scrabble with a really good dictionary.
The instructions are to: Build a tower to the sky, using nothing but your own quick wits and linguistic fortitude. Ok, so when you are offered either the first three or last three letters to make a word, every successful word made builds blocks up the wall. The better you can type a large or obscure word quickly, the more points goes into building your wall higher. Since you have to build the wall to 400 meters to get the achievement for Easy, this can take many frustrating attempts. As for the hard achievement of reaching Rank 9? I have fairly large vocabulary and I just quit after Easy. I thought that anything that aggressive of a challenge with this kind of game might be a bit much for now.

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