Oldie but goodie


At first glance, the game looks like any old space based RTS, and it is. However, what makes it different from any old space based RTS is its sheer scalability and replayability (hacks/mods required to get rid of the pesky caps for this though). What makes this more interesting is the capacity to command your units individually at the unit scale up to commanding several battle groups from an overhead galaxy view/scale (fighters/bombers are controlled with their carrier/capital ship). Bear in mind that this will be limited by your hardware so you must consider it as well when setting limits.

The graphics are good. Each unit model is designed with the expectation that the player would zoom in on that unit to view it in action. The weapons effects could be improved further, although in planet gravity well scale, the weapons and ability effects are awesome as they are, just don't expect to see the same at unit scale. These may be improved through existing mods, but will be limited by your current harware.

The music is immersive although it does get forgotten in the heat of the action. It is also customizable.

The controls are intuitive for an rts and handles well, but some players would do well to reconfigure the hotkeys for group/unit selection. The capacity to pin certain planets and battle groups to the top of the list of your assets is a godsend in this scale.

The capacity for your capital ships to grow is nice but a bit difficult to keep track of. While it adds a new level to the RTS, it may detract from the experience for some due to the additional complexity. on the other hand, it allows for truly custom units that would allow a lot of flexibility for any and all situations.

The capacity to auto-place your structures makes it easy for some players as more often than not, their placement within the gravity well would hardly matter. However, the game allows for the possibility of manually placing your structures in a way to minimize the effect of an invading force, again, as another layer of complexity that is available but thankfully optional.

While the lack of objective-based missions may be detrimental to some, the sheer range of different maps and tweakable objectives and game conditions ensure that every game will be different from your last one. This is even better with multiplayer, where, in addition to random events and random planet/star effects, the additional chaos from each other player would surely spice up your match. Just be wary that alliances can and will change often and unpredictably.
The existing hacks that I have found (some of the hacks available have malwares attached to them so be wary) infinite resources infinite unit caps, and instant build hacks (unit/building cap hacks are AOB with cheat engine but does not work with current version of the game). While limited to these hacks, these hacks allow for truly epic games. Few things can match the epicness of several thousand fully upgraded capital ship with support against a couple of starbases with their own capital ships as defense.
Overall, this game is a must try for RTS players, at least. LAN parties for this game is highly recommended.  
Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating