Panic and Mania Surplus (plus cute moments)


Alright, so after seeing Markiplier play this game, and after hearing about it just a small bit in the Forums, I decided to give the extremely short, yet cute in some instances and horrible in others, "philosophical game" known as We Become What We Behold.  Right, let's see what this game offered if anything at all.

Physical Qualities: The audio and graphics are very basic, but for the game that arises from :the game:'s creator and playtesters, it upholds its message for the most part.  If one enjoys stick figures that emote decently or easily, this game is definitely for you in that department alone.  As a result of how adorable the stick figures look most of the time, and due to the fact the game gave a few chuckles in the end, rating stands at about a 5 or 6 out of 10.  This might very well be the 'best' part of the game.

Gameplay: One moves the mouse around, acting as a camera of sorts peering into the apparent lives of stick figures.  If one finds something interesting or something that can progress the story, then one clicks and captures the moment.  The stick figures then react worse and worse to each picture taken and each new story and update being produced.  What I took from it was how certain national governments loom into their citizens' lives and try to figure them out, and mass chaos ensues as a result with riots, murders, panic and mayhem and so on.  2/10, if not for the fact it's meant to just be a 5 minute game, then the game itself is simple and lives up to this purpose.

Replayability and Hack Power: Given it's a short game, there would be no need for any hacks at all, though I'd find it very very hilarious if there were some just to screw with folks who enjoy hacking any and every game they come across.  That being said, once the game is over with and everyone in the game except for two certain folks dies, the game will quit itself and ask to either be played again or donate to the creator.  Both categories recieve a 1 out of 10 due to the fact that the game isn't meant to be hacked nor should it ever really be hacked.

Final Verdict: Welp, it's a cute and funny game for the first 30 seconds to a minute, then it becomes a propaganda and Grand Theft Auto-esque rioting sense and look into what might actually happen if certain events occur in one's life.  I have to note this: as someone who is a Centrist and someone who has no political agenda whatsoever nor cares to ever get one, the game is a hilarious view of the government controlling the masses and media via controlled chaos that eventually blows over into mass destruction.  If the game were much longer and turned into a mini-series of just propaganda, destruction, start over, repeat; then I would gladly replay that series over and over.  2 to 3 out of 10 final count, but as respectable of a low rating as possible due to the few chuckles.


Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating