Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.


i actually really liked this game. while the concept is slightly strange, its not overly weird like a few other games on the internet. basically the concept of this game is as follows. you are a chunk of meat. your girlfriend is a bandage. she gets stolen by a fetus. you rescue her by avoiding spikes and salt. none of it makes sense and i love it. there are minibosses and hidden levels, along with unlockables and such if you collect all the bandages throughout the levels. you can play as yourself, some notable characters from newgrounds and other sites, or even as dr fetus himself. you even unlock alternate endings.

the only bad things about this game that i can think of, are that the controls are sometimes sticky which causes you to die and frustrating in quite a few spots where it shouldnt be a problem but it is, but this is pretty much just a demo for the actual pc game so i wouldnt expect it to be perfect by any means. the game really doesnt have much of a plot beyond what i stated above. a lot of people would probably dislike this genre of games since you tend to die very frequently and there are no checkpoints, but i personally enjoy the challenge of these kinds of games. it forces you to get better to win because you CAN win, rather than just having artifical difficulty like multiplying objects that kill you or really bad slidy controls to the point that its impossible.

i give this game a 7/10

Physical Qualities
Hack Power
Overall Rating