alt for gates
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Joined On: 08/18/2013
Last Login: 10/14/2015
Posts: 4
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Vote Count:5
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I am gates

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Karma: 73
09/13/2018 marcos1711

Thanks for the info

04/28/2018 SOFIA22

Thanks easy information on the forum for someone like me (beginner)

11/16/2017 mpccomp

Very to the point and wholesome tutorial to get acquainted with the website.

05/29/2017 ledah

nice guide

05/15/2017 bransonboyds

I'm a fan of the no-nonsense attitude of the post and the site overall. Plus, I literally Laughed out loud when i clicked the link before the Donate section. well played my friend, well played indeed!

05/07/2017 Rez00

Thanks just registered and this was pretty helpful, not too long and informative.

04/01/2017 Snyp3r

Useful and Helpful thread

01/16/2017 CyanoTex

Love the KongHack 101 post. Keep up the good work, my man! :-)

06/07/2016 italnis

thanks for the post

04/10/2016 cmoneycollins

Very helpful tutorial to get started.

11/22/2015 zazanha

Thank you, I'm new here, so is good to have such detalied information about how the system here works, and it seems amazing. Thanks for the tutorial

09/23/2015 ckreezez

konghack overview post

08/22/2015 bbgun554

Because my life better with smiles

08/15/2015 malek258

Thanks man for the awesome post.

07/26/2015 Idecman

Great post. The truth is that it is an excellent contribution to the community. Thanks for all your effort. +1 karma

06/16/2015 Dragon Lee

The FAQ was not only informative, detailed, and an all-around cure-all for jumping head first into this site, but it was funny as hell too!

06/04/2015 T1tan1umTurtl3

Helpfull konghack 101 guide

05/24/2015 PortalB

Your posts are amusing!

05/10/2015 shyden

Excellent post! :D

05/06/2015 nexer

Ty for the good advice... i am a noob so im learning! :)

04/19/2015 Taija

Useful post!

04/03/2015 yiroj1814

Thank you for your explanation.

03/21/2015 Daj71203

Nice post, to the point and thorough

03/09/2015 thisdude2001

that post is helpful for us newbies

03/06/2015 alex035

TY for the information

03/04/2015 ReverendJ

Thanks for teachin this noob

02/10/2015 mage1

nice post you made about the site

01/29/2015 Meisterhatter

awesome konghack 101 explanation thank you

01/28/2015 user1982345

Thanks for the tutorial/intro to the site. Keep up the good work.

01/20/2015 Deuk

Konghack 101

01/19/2015 S3m4R

goood.... guys

01/17/2015 ereinion

Good intro post!

01/16/2015 DarkRaider

Good insightful information and learning new attributes, Karma likes ETC

12/18/2014 Goro

1) For putting so much effort in the site.

2) Well, I just wanted to test the button.

3) Button working, see 1)

12/17/2014 omarrah

THe 101 guide helped me. thanks

12/17/2014 john0012312312

im giving out karma beacuse this is an awesome page and an awesome hack that why

11/30/2014 BielZL This is very helpfull.
11/27/2014 bananedc
11/19/2014 isaachart Your information for newcomers was very helpful for me and you deserve recognition for that.
11/12/2014 silkthejackel Love the info~
10/26/2014 GoldenDawn Well written intro. Took me some time to read it as english aint my mother language, but still, all is clear as a cristal:)
10/07/2014 frogtoast22
10/01/2014 jfj1
09/25/2014 Catino Thank you for the tutorial 101.
09/22/2014 Dimebag
09/20/2014 BK_JOvEm
09/11/2014 Thalollipop Because your Konghack 101 was helpfull
09/04/2014 ArisSait
08/26/2014 TheHackingDoctor That guide really helped me!
08/11/2014 deathlotus NOice work
08/08/2014 Dokali Hes Awesome
07/24/2014 puppet2072
07/13/2014 xEPIx
07/09/2014 bitchnigga
06/29/2014 mfp4p2 Clear rules, rulez
06/24/2014 ShinigamiAkuma
06/12/2014 Nick Dime The 101 is really helpful, thanks!
06/11/2014 legion81
05/27/2014 artoszombie ty for the help
05/26/2014 premier Great topic for beginner help
05/14/2014 Shadowgam3r Hey!!
04/05/2014 Ravvy
04/02/2014 seth1999 your awesome
02/25/2014 KelHack TROLL
02/19/2014 ZXQ
01/17/2014 JHede Great help! :)
11/13/2013 se7enthsin great job on the new user guide!
10/28/2013 colossos
10/18/2013 altrusita86 good app
09/30/2013 R4GE.xs
09/29/2013 Ragnotok as thanks for the konghack 101 thread (>n.n)>
09/29/2013 The Ignorant Masses Excellent!
09/29/2013 KongregateHack You forgot to mention 'karma' ;)
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