disgruntled old man
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Joined On: 10/03/2009
Last Login: 06/14/2023
Posts: 876
Groups: The Elite
Forum Moderator
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Hack Moderator
Highest Points:11,958,969.14
Hack Count:526
SOL Count:3
Vote Count:334
Post Count:876
Staff Profile
New to Kong Hack and want to learn the basics? Check out the [Kong Hack 101] and the [Hacking 101].
Wanna learn how we make the hacks? Start with getting [the tools], then check these out: [AoB tutorial] | [.sol guide] | [Unity3d tutorial] | kadat's [video tutorials]
And if you don't already have it, check out the [Kong Hack Ultra Trainer]. You'll be glad you did!
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One Hundred hacks! Amazing work!
250 Hacks
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Five-Hundred hacks! So, how's that novel coming along?
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Five-Hundred Posts! So, how's that novel coming along?
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500, you're making it! Or you were sponsored...
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2,500 points! You should play the stocks
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25,000 Points
25,000 points! Kick ass man!
50,000 Points
50,000 points, You're good for over 68 years
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100,000 points! One 0 away from a million
1,000,000 Points
A fucking million! Congrats!
10,000,000 Points
Ten Million! Fuck you! :P
Karma: 62
07/04/2017 FAggit

Forgot to say please in my post so I'm giving you karma :D

04/25/2017 crazy_QBZ

loving all the stats

10/30/2016 xII_G_Unit

post helps everyone out for quick fixs

08/31/2016 Mordecai897

Thanks for the values! :D

04/08/2016 thehackerofmax

because you are the best

04/06/2016 Zenfair

Thanks for the programming stuff you've posted!

02/16/2016 drcorona

great intro

01/05/2016 lestadxxx

pueden traducir todo

11/22/2015 zazanha

What can I say? Thank you for the tutorials, I really needed

09/27/2015 KungRung

u r cule me god at spell

09/13/2015 testx

thank you.

07/20/2015 suckmyweapons

Thanks for the info about some rules and other things :)

05/07/2015 franktheplank

Be sure to let them know why you're giving out karma!

04/19/2015 Taija

Thank you!

04/03/2015 jofaramans

parce qu'il essaye de faire avancer le programme "KongHack"

03/24/2015 Mijo

This is great

03/13/2015 Rampant_uterus

Nice topic on the rating. Noobs need to learn how to use it.

02/25/2015 effewe2

Couldn't have said it better myself.

02/12/2015 dacs

thanks for infos

12/14/2014 DarthMaverick

Thanks for the sponsorship.

12/11/2014 flashlight1564

thanks for the help

12/10/2014 The Ignorant Masses

Bonus Karma!

12/05/2014 jerinaldo
11/24/2014 buzztardz19
11/07/2014 MIRZA12 k
10/17/2014 jj89 I am Lorde ya ya ya
10/16/2014 SoTF BrandoN Very good Addition!
09/30/2014 Horizon Thanks, that was really nice of you.
09/28/2014 xEPIx
09/17/2014 Nathanrar1 cleansing the noobage of the universe, one step at a time
09/13/2014 hackling
09/06/2014 synce24
08/28/2014 Majstersztyk Now i know how it works! Thanx a lot!
08/27/2014 taken4time Quick and informative response
08/18/2014 kutankman nice cheat
08/01/2014 rashedw Ty for the Sponsor.
07/26/2014 Monochimp
07/12/2014 blueline0 Tutorial UP!
07/08/2014 weirdy112 Thanks for being Informative. :)
06/12/2014 Zarret Thanks for the quick reply :)
06/04/2014 Zenwaichi nice verbal rape, couldn't agree more
06/04/2014 The Ignorant Masses Agreed
05/17/2014 AnthonysToolbox
03/09/2014 Creamy thank you for that script xD
02/17/2014 owtdrawkcab great post
02/15/2014 shunabi
02/12/2014 The Ignorant Masses Great rant man!
02/08/2014 G4T3S Testing something. Nice post though :)
02/08/2014 fieldy49mhz Be sure to let them know why you're giving out karma!
02/02/2014 lol wut For being super helpful & fixing the massive list of database tomfoolery.
12/24/2013 FinalStrife7
11/05/2013 Mastenship
11/03/2013 zhripzzz thanks for updating aobs
09/08/2013 KongregateHack Sees a newb Doesn't flame
08/28/2013 mxe thank you Sir Gates for your Information, it removes 443 error from the address as i follow your Instruction,
07/31/2013 blahblahman for the lulz
06/30/2013 kolonelkadat for the tremendously keen bug finding skills!
05/18/2013 Anubis1997 1
05/16/2013 Anubis1997 1
05/11/2013 The Ignorant Masses Thanks for all of the help. Welcome to being a moderator!
04/26/2013 DK000 Saved me major Rage quitting :)
04/26/2013 kolonelkadat nice
I'm Sponsoring
06/18/2014 - 11/04/2014 1,370.000
06/18/2014 - 10/16/2014 1,180.000
06/18/2014 - 11/05/2014 1,370.000
06/18/2014 - 11/05/2014 1,370.000
07/08/2014 - 07/20/2014 1,100.000
07/18/2014 - 07/31/2014 1,200.000
08/01/2014 - 08/14/2014 1,100.000
08/08/2014 - 11/11/2014 960.000
09/30/2014 - 01/18/2015 1,120.000
12/12/2014 - 12/20/2014 700.000
02/25/2015 - 03/09/2015 1,100.000
03/28/2015 - 04/10/2015 1,100.000
03/28/2015 - 04/08/2015 1,000.000
05/11/2015 - 05/22/2015 1,100.000
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Note: Point logs are only kept for 90 days.