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Joined On: 07/14/2014
Last Login: 06/26/2017
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01/25/2016 randomly2100

When you apply a hack in the Kong Hack Ultra Trainer. Before you apply any more, deselect all hacks. Incase you don't know how the trainer works, if a hack is already applied and you apply it again after you choose more hacks, the hacks that you already applied will fail. That is because they have already been applied and if you don't Deselect them before you apply more hacks, the 2 once working hacks will show as failed. Did I explain that enough for you?

01/13/2016 randomly2100

2 of my hacks were flagged because of you downvoting them. Upon noticing that, I did some very extensive testing and have found that they are in fact very functional. So I pmed you about this, but no response. As a reward of putting me through all this mess, I give you this.

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