Hacking the Rating system
Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 04/10/2009 12:42pm
Quote Post
How is each game rated? I did a WPE packet scan and got the following:

POST /ratings?rateable_id=14871&rateable_type=Game&rating=5 HTTP/1.1..Host: www.kongregate.com..User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9.0.(broken image removed) Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8 GTB5..Accept: text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*..Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3..Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate..Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7..Keep-Alive: 300..Connection: keep-alive..X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest..X-Prototype-Version: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8..Referer: http://www.kongregate.com/games/gameina ... ent-Length: 0..Cookie: __utma=216929292.1263006817952320500.1238326910.1239325386.1239362195.63; __utmz=216929292.1239310270.61.4.utmcsr=forum.kongregatehack.com|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/viewtopic.php; __qca=1238326908-20978617-25052240; __gads=ID=9b83dc5aeb7c93dc:T=1238326909:S=ALNI_MYF1ODEEqAlYLeRyXO0RA168D4m2g; __utmv=216929292.registered; _kongregate_session=BAh7DDoNdXNlcm5hbWUiDnF3ZXJ0eTY1MjoMdXNlcl9pZGkDdkYQOhFvcmlnaW5hbF91cmkwOglpbml0VDoHaXAiEDE4Ny41LjIwLjM3OhRnYW1lcGxheXNfY291bnRpCSIKZmxhc2hJQzonQWN0aW9uQ29udHJvbGxlcjo6Rmxhc2g6OkZsYXNoSGFzaHsABjoKQHVzZWR7AA%3D%3D--46ac04984b5d4d421eaeb384100a371a4d6d1832; __utmc=216929292; __qcb=454878448; __utmb=216929292.27.10.1239362195; www_pass=441ccfd4-a566-4b08-af80-459a3e20cda9..Pragma: no-cache..Cache-Control: no-cache....

Pked...if you can make heads or tails of this, then would there be any way to work on a tool that sends the amount of rated games. Or rather, an autorater which would send the packet that a game was rated, or 50 in one second...the games wouldn't actually be rated, but the points be be credited to the account.

Is this even possible? Or am I just dreaming?


Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 04/10/2009 11:29pm
Quote Post
maybe you can just resend the packet over and over in WPE...


Ok... so i tried this in WPE.. just resending the packet over and over. I would not recommend doing it at all. It jacks things up. I've never encountered this with WPE before...

I found the "rating" packet and just told WPE to keep sending it over and over and over. Well, after about 11 sends, i decided to refresh my page. It then made my browser page blank with this message:

Code: [Select]
Element.update("rating_message", "You have updated your rating.");
$("star_ratings_block").update("<ul class='star-rating'>n <li class="current-rating" style="width:65px;">Currently 5.0/5 Stars.</li>n nt<li>n <a class="star-1" href="#" name="1 star" onclick="Element.show('rating-indicator'); $$('.star-rating a').each(function(rating){rating.onclick='return false;'}); new Ajax.Request('/ratings?rateable_id=42216&amp;rateable_type=Game&amp;rating=1', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){Element.hide('rating-indicator');urchinTracker('/new_rating/1')}}); return false;">1</a>n </li>n nt<li>n <a class="star-2" href="#" name="2 star" onclick="Element.show('rating-indicator'); $$('.star-rating a').each(function(rating){rating.onclick='return false;'}); new Ajax.Request('/ratings?rateable_id=42216&amp;rateable_type=Game&amp;rating=2', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){Element.hide('rating-indicator');urchinTracker('/new_rating/2')}}); return false;">2</a>n </li>n nt<li>n <a class="star-3" href="#" name="3 star" onclick="Element.show('rating-indicator'); $$('.star-rating a').each(function(rating){rating.onclick='return false;'}); new Ajax.Request('/ratings?rateable_id=42216&amp;rateable_type=Game&amp;rating=3', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){Element.hide('rating-indicator');urchinTracker('/new_rating/3')}}); return false;">3</a>n </li>n nt<li>n <a class="star-4" href="#" name="4 star" onclick="Element.show('rating-indicator'); $$('.star-rating a').each(function(rating){rating.onclick='return false;'}); new Ajax.Request('/ratings?rateable_id=42216&amp;rateable_type=Game&amp;rating=4', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){Element.hide('rating-indicator');urchinTracker('/new_rating/4')}}); return false;">4</a>n </li>n nt<li>n <a class="star-5" href="#" name="5 star" onclick="Element.show('rating-indicator'); $$('.star-rating a').each(function(rating){rating.onclick='return false;'}); new Ajax.Request('/ratings?rateable_id=42216&amp;rateable_type=Game&amp;rating=5', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){Element.hide('rating-indicator');urchinTracker('/new_rating/5')}}); return false;">5</a>n </li>n n <li>n <img alt="Indicator" class="indicator" id="rating-indicator" src="http://cdn1.kongregate.com/images/presentation/indicator.gif?1239256200" style="display:none; width:16px;height:16px;" />n </li>n</ul>n");
new Effect.Highlight("star_ratings_block",{});
Element.update("game_ratings_size", "7538 ratings (3.87 avg)");
Element.update("average_rating", "<li class="current-rating" style="width:50px;">Currently 3.9/5 Stars.</li>");
Element.update("points", "<h3>Total Points: <a href="/accounts/mushrooms/rewards">11135 Points</a></h3>n<p class="levelup">n You are only 50 points away from Level 42.n</p>n");
Element.replace("welcome_levelbug", "<img alt="Levelbug41" class="levelbug_image" id="welcome_levelbug" src="http://cdn2.kongregate.com/images/presentation/levelbug/levelbug41.gif?1239256200" title="Level 41" />");

After seeing this, i wanted to refresh the page again to see if it would normalize itself. Instead of doing so, it made a prompt come up to ask me if i wanted to download a file named "5qLFGRjP.part". The last i knew, hitting the refresh button shouldnt make you download anything. Idk wtf is up, but dont do this. It wont work.

I'm assuming this is your hacking account but for safeties sake I've editted it.
Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 04/14/2009 6:22am
Quote Post
u get 1 point for rating it for first time second time you just doing it for fun re-rating it so it wouldn't give you any extra points.. all i can say is use the autorater i made long ago. Anyways its time to go legit in kongregate
Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 04/14/2009 3:42pm
Quote Post
Quote from: "pkedpker"
u get 1 point for rating it for first time second time you just doing it for fun re-rating it so it wouldn't give you any extra points.. all i can say is use the autorater i made long ago. Anyways its time to go legit in kongregate

Time to go legit? pked? Are you feeling ok?


Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 04/14/2009 10:08pm
Quote Post
He probably got threatened with a law suit.

Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there.

Don't fear my banhammer, fear the God holding it...

Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 04/15/2009 1:52am
Quote Post
Quote from: "pkedpker"
u get 1 point for rating it for first time second time you just doing it for fun re-rating it so it wouldn't give you any extra points.. all i can say is use the autorater i made long ago. Anyways its time to go legit in kongregate

but if you can change the referrer value to a legit one then i think it would work.. but it is a hassle looking for the right value for referrer and session id should be change over and over..
Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 04/15/2009 5:33pm
Quote Post
Creamy Goodness.
Stupid idea, just hack games, and rate with the greasemonkey script. A-duh.

lol idek why i still come here

Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 04/15/2009 11:47pm
Quote Post
Quote from: "skuff"
Stupid idea, just hack games, and rate with the greasemonkey script. A-duh.

easy there mate.. its just a discussion.. who knows it might be cool when it really does work..
Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 05/12/2009 2:29pm
Quote Post

TasteOfChaos <<----- not to bug u or any.
but if that is ur kong name in the code of ur post, i would delete it (broken image removed)
Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 05/12/2009 10:03pm
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I agree with BlaBla (broken image removed)
Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 05/12/2009 10:32pm
Quote Post
Fixed it. Next time instead of pointing it out for the world to see PM a mod please.

Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there.

Don't fear my banhammer, fear the God holding it...

Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 05/13/2009 2:29pm
Quote Post
Quote from: "Maximillian"
Fixed it. Next time instead of pointing it out for the world to see PM a mod please.

Noted :oops:
Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 05/13/2009 5:54pm
Quote Post
Quote from: "BlaBla"

TasteOfChaos <<----- not to bug u or any.
but if that is ur kong name in the code of ur post, i would delete it (broken image removed)

Nah, he put mushrooms as the user name, and as we all know mushrooms is a test account from Max, and also, mushrooms is a level 7, not a level 40something.


Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 05/13/2009 6:13pm
Quote Post
Quote from: "tookie"
Quote from: "BlaBla"

TasteOfChaos <<----- not to bug you or any.
but if that is your kong name in the code of your post, i would delete it (broken image removed)

Nah, he put mushrooms as the user name, and as we all know mushrooms is a test account from Max, and also, mushrooms is a level 7, not a level 40something.

Pm sent to you tookie

Going off topic, get back on track (broken image removed)
Re: Hacking the Rating system Posted on: 05/13/2009 6:16pm
Quote Post
Quote from: "tookie"
Quote from: "BlaBla"

TasteOfChaos <<----- not to bug u or any.
but if that is ur kong name in the code of ur post, i would delete it (broken image removed)

Nah, he put mushrooms as the user name, and as we all know mushrooms is a test account from Max, and also, mushrooms is a level 7, not a level 40something.

I editted it to say mushrooms.

Quote from: "BlaBla"
Quote from: "tookie"
Quote from: "BlaBla"

TasteOfChaos <<----- not to bug you or any.
but if that is your kong name in the code of your post, i would delete it (broken image removed)

Nah, he put mushrooms as the user name, and as we all know mushrooms is a test account from Max, and also, mushrooms is a level 7, not a level 40something.

? dont get you tookie.

i dunno max??s test account and mushrooms sure wasnt the name in tasteofchaos post.
(the post got edit by max, so you cant see the name anymore, but it wasnt mushrooms)
anyways, it was a act of kindness, at least thats what i though.

Going off topic, get back on track (broken image removed)

Pointing it out was an act of kindness, pointing it out publicly was not. Point it out via PM to said person and a few other mods.


Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there.

Don't fear my banhammer, fear the God holding it...