[Requests] Bytecodehack - etc
[Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/10/2009 2:56pm
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Since we have a whole new generation of people that can do AoB I can go lazy;)
In any case if anyone needs me to check a specific game(encrypted, harder to work on, etc) please send me a message/write in this thread and I'll look at it.(hopefully that wont be too often)
Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/10/2009 4:17pm
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(broken image removed)

Have a hug.

As a point - I'm lazy anyway so I won't trall through anything that looks too big.

Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there.

Don't fear my banhammer, fear the God holding it...

Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/10/2009 6:19pm
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I still would like to see Desktop Defence Pro, for Sprint runs.. that seems like the Cream of the Crop of byte hacking!
Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/10/2009 7:11pm
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It really is... good god they can code well. I'm baffled to be frank.

Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there.

Don't fear my banhammer, fear the God holding it...

Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/10/2009 7:49pm
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lmao, i cant beleave zarg found some of them
Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/10/2009 8:11pm
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ok, I'll check desktop tonight, havent had time for those sprint thingies but shouldnt be much of an issue^^
Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/10/2009 8:16pm
Quote Post
Shouldn't be much of an issue? Way to go stamp all over my ego there.

Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there.

Don't fear my banhammer, fear the God holding it...

Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/10/2009 8:44pm
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Creamy Goodness.
Quote from: "Maximillian"
Shouldn't be much of an issue? Way to go stamp all over my ego there.

Correction: stamped, and wiped feet in your ego.

lol idek why i still come here

Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/10/2009 9:11pm
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http://www.kongregate.com/games/dz2001/ ... e-mayhem-2

96 07 00 08 0f 07 ?? 00 00 00
96 07 00 08 0f 07 50 00 00 00 (change to 50)

96 07 00 08 10 07 ?? ?? 00 00
96 07 00 08 10 07 bc 02 00 00 (change to 750)

But when you change that it also changes the speed to some immense number even though the speed should really be

96 0b 00 08 0d 06 ?? ?? ?? 3f ?? ?? ?? ??
96 0b 00 08 0d 06 e1 7a ec 3f 7b 14 ae 47 (change to 0.89)

any help?

Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there.

Don't fear my banhammer, fear the God holding it...

Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/11/2009 3:56am
Quote Post
thanks for the tiger!

for maggot:
96 0e 00 07 50 00 00 00 07 01 00 00 00 04 01 08 21
96 0E 00 07 4B C3 00 00 07 01 00 00 00 04 01 08 21

for max:
96 07 00 08 10 07 ?? ?? ?? ?? 3c => 96 07 00 08 10 07 bc 02 00 00
basically your variable identifiers are not constant. So you were also modifying the speeds in other parts of the code.
Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/11/2009 5:01am
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killer!!! will try soon!
Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/11/2009 8:02am
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Quote from: "ZargWolf"
for max:
96 07 00 08 10 07 ?? ?? ?? ?? 3c => 96 07 00 08 10 07 bc 02 00 00
basically your variable identifiers are not constant. So you were also modifying the speeds in other parts of the code.

That can't be right, you're editting an 11 set into a 10, it's not long enough.

Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there.

Don't fear my banhammer, fear the God holding it...

Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/11/2009 11:48am
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sorry, wrong copy pasta
of course it is 96 07 00 08 10 07 ?? ?? ?? ?? 3c => 96 07 00 08 10 07 bc 02 00 00 3c
Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/11/2009 5:04pm
Quote Post
Why do you add the 3c on the end?

Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there.

Don't fear my banhammer, fear the God holding it...

Re: [Requests] Bytecodehack - etc Posted on: 05/12/2009 11:24pm
Quote Post
0x3c means declare local variable with a value
var stringName = value

it's code is

[string name][value][0x3c]

string name is in ASCII characters like 0x41 = A, 0x42 = B,0x43=C, etc..?
(broken image removed)

Usage of 0x3C would be like.. (I just wrote it could be completely wrong)
96 [0A 00] [00] [41 42 43 00] [07] [05 00 00 00] 3C

96= push unknown data
[0A 00] = size of 10
00 = String
[41 42 43 00] = ABC ( = end of string)
07 = integer (4 bytes)
05 00 00 00 = value of 5
3c (declare var ABC=5;)

I think i am completely wrong because the flash actionscript 1 fileformat specification pdf says this about 0x3C

0x3C - ActionDefineLocal
ActionDefineLocal defines a local variable and sets its value. If the variable already exists, the
value is set to the newly specified value.

so yours means that

96 07 00 08 10 07 ?? ?? ?? ?? 3c

is translated to like
push a unknown data in with a size of 7 bytes
08 10 07 ?? ?? ?? ?? 3c

08 is the constant pool lookup table of index 10
07 means integer (4 bytes)
so the wildcard search is a number

I also don't understand why there is a 0x3c at the end

shouldn't it be 0x1d aka (SetVariable as you have no string)