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Here's the link; ... th-penalty
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Here's the hacks
Always sweet shot 46 8b 04 01 24 01 0c 56 00 00 -> 46 8b 04 01 24 01 0c 00 00 00 More header power 5e 3b 60 3b 24 02 -> 5e 3b 60 3b 24 0a Always shoot certain types 5e a7 01 24 01 2a 2a 24 01 -> 5e a7 01 24 06 2a 2a 24 06 For header power, you can put in any value up to 7F, although it will probably be too fast when it's that high. The ball type is currently set to always kick beach balls, decreasing the values (so it's 02, 03, 04 or 05) results in the respective unlocked ball. Avoid placing any new balls in the list (after the upgrade screen) as that undoes the hack. |
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Thanks (broken image removed)