Help! (Amorphous+)
Help! (Amorphous+) Posted on: 02/27/2010 6:37am
Quote Post
Hello, I'm new here. Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but oh well. Feel free to tell me so, but please answer me this question, thanks!
I'm read the Amorphous thread, but everything there is so clustered and all the AoB's descriptions are confusing and I'm bad at English, so I'll put this simply: Can someone please give me an AoB to gives me lots of health so I don't die?
Thanks, and sorry if this is the wrong place!
Maybe post here or PM me with the answer.
Re: Help! (Amorphous+) Posted on: 02/27/2010 3:26pm
Quote Post
The Amorphous thread has so many hacks, there is no way you can't get the badges with them. If you aren't interested in the badges, just play around with the hacks or find one yourself.

Locked, as there are no changes to the game, and we have plenty of hacks already.