Nano War (35 Points)
Nano War (35 Points) Posted on: 03/21/2010 10:06am
Quote Post
Brief Description: You control nodes with Nanos in them, and you need to capture the enemy nodes to win.

Playability: Fun for a short while, after level 6 it goes downhill.

Link to game:

  • Easy: Tiny Victory Badge. Finish level 3.
  • Hard: Microscopic Mayhem Badge. Finish all 14 levels.

Method: Cheat engine

1. Open the game.
2. Open Cheat Engine and select the browser. If you're on IE, it's the second value.
3. Start the first level. In Cheat Engine, Value Type is 4 bytes. Scan for 8.
4. Finish the level and start level 2. Search for 16.
5. Quit and redo level 1. Search for 8. Continue to second and search 16.
6. Redo until you get down to 1 final value. Double click on it and in the table below, change its value to 24.
7. Finish the level you are on, quit and re-enter first level. Change the value in the table to 112. Finish level.

KBH Variables: N/A

.Sol Location: N/A

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