Newgrounds Rumble (20 Points)
Newgrounds Rumble (20 Points) Posted on: 03/25/2010 4:50pm
Quote Post
Brief Description: Figures like Nene and Alloy fight to the death in different scenarios.

Playability: Fun. Just fun.

Link to game:

  • Easy: Relentless Attack Badge. Get a combo string of 5 or higher
  • Medium: Challenge Achievement Badge. Complete challenge mode

Method: Cheat Engine/Ragnarok/sol swap

Cheat Engine (not recommended in this case)
1. Open the game.
2. Open Cheat Engine and select the browser. If you're on IE, it's the second value.
3. Under Scan Type, select Unknown Initial Value.
4. Press Enable Speedhack near Memory Scan Options. Set the value to 0.0 . Do not apply.
5. Start a game. Apply Speedhack. Scan.
6. Reset the Speedhack speed. Apply.
7. Get hit, and re-enable Speedhack on 0.0 value and apply. Under Scan Type, select Decreased Value and scan. If you know how much damage you had received, select Decreased Value by... and scan for the damage received.
8. Do steps 6-7 until you get down to 1 value. Lock(=Freeze) that value.
9. You have to do this at the beginning of every match, making this method not recommended and long.

1. Open the game, and create the account. Leave the game page.
2. Open Ragnarok. Click on SOL Editor and then Scan for SOLs
3. Near the end of the list there will be addresses with a prefix. Select the one named kongregate.comsaveFile.sol
4. Expand the object.
5. Click on the longCombo number. Change its value to 5.
6. Expand the challengeCompleted array. Go through all the True/False there, ticking the Value. Save.
7. As you can see, you can also change the gold, unlock the Deposit characters/areas, change survival records, combo damage, and more.

.sol swap
Attached is the complete .sol file of the game. For a how to use, please refer to this guide. Note that the location of the .sol is noted below.

KBH Variables: N/A

.Sol Location: (called saveFile.sol )

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