Spewer Posted on: 05/12/2010 11:06pm
Quote Post
Brief description: cool game with cool physics

Playability: gets a bit boring

Link to game: http://www.kongregate.com/games/2DArray/spewer


Method: .Sol swaping

First put this (go to the attachments it's the third) and play the level
then put this(same thing but second), reload the game and play the level
And for the ending put this(same thing but the first), reload the game and play the level

KBH Variables: N/A

.Sol Location: chat.kongregate.comgamez0044792livespewer.swf

Video: N/A

sorry if this is a little confusing  :?  :roll:  :?
If they don't work send me a mensage I coud only test the hard badges because I alredy had the medium