Creating and Using a Cheat Table
Creating and Using a Cheat Table Posted on: 07/14/2010 9:06pm
Quote Post

How to create it:
1) Download and install Cheat Engine 5.6.1 (older versions won't work)
Click here do download
2) Open Cheat Engine and click at the Select Process button (the little PC at top-left).
3) Double click on your flash game process (like firefox.exe, iexplore.exe, plugin-container.exe, ...).
4) Press Ctrl+M to go to the Memory Browser.
5) Press Ctrl+A to go to the Auto-Assemble Script.
6) Paste the following code:

Code: [Select]
//by bCheater~
alloc(ReplaceCode1, 256)
alloc(ReplacementThread1, 256)

db 02 02 02 02

aobscan(eax, D0 66 AC 12)
push #4
push ReplaceCode1
push eax
call memcpy
push #0
call ExitThread
7) Change "02 02 02 02" to your array's replacement code.
(broken image removed) Change "D0 66 AC 12" to your array's original code.
9) Change "#4" to your array's size in decimal numbers.
10) Change the numbers after ReplaceCode and ReplacementThread to any number you want (has to be different for every cheat entry).
11) Click in File >> Assign to the current cheat table.
12) Close the Auto-Assemble Window and the Memory Browser Window.
13) If you want to add more cheats, go back to the step 4.
14) In the address list, you should see "Auto assemble cheat". Double click on this sentence to change the cheat description.
15) Click in the Save CT Button (little floppy disc at top-left) and save it wherever you want.
16) Upload it and post.

How to use it:
1) Download and install Cheat Engine 5.6.1 (older versions won't work)
Click here do download
2) Open Cheat Engine and click at the Select Process button (the little PC at top-left).
3) Double click on your flash game process (like firefox.exe, iexplore.exe, plugin-container.exe, ...).
4) Click at the Open CT button (folder at top-left).
5) Select the Cheat Table you've downloaded (or made).
6) Tick and untick the box of the cheat you want until the box be untickable.
7) Go play with your cheats (broken image removed)

Cheat Engine from Dark_Byte
Assemble Script from bCheater~