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Click on the star. This post was imported from an account that no longer exists! Previous Name: phreneticus |
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Actually, it seems all items need to be clicked in order to receive the medal. The clickable items are above her head, the blue crystal on her staff, the area to the right of her staff, the area between the base of her staff and the bangle hanging from her left sleeve, the star in her hair, and her tits.
I've gone through it a few times, and I received the medal the first time after clicking the staff crystal, the second time after clicking her tits, and the third time after clicking the area next to her to summon the flying creature. |
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Quote from: "embrezar" I've gone through it a few times, and I received the medal the first time after clicking the staff crystal, the second time after clicking her tits, and the third time after clicking the area next to her to summon the flying creature.I played the game, clicked the star and got the medals. lmao This post was imported from an account that no longer exists! Previous Name: phreneticus |