[TuT]How to load AS3 games using Flash[1]
[TuT]How to load AS3 games using Flash[1] Posted on: 04/23/2011 7:54pm
Quote Post
Here is a tutorial where you can learn how to load as3 games using Flash,this is very important because if you are able to load it you can acces everything what is in the game.
well let`s begin:

1.I gonna take a random game,Roly-Poly Cannon: Bloody Monsters Pack
Now that we choose the game,we can get into the action
2.Open Flash and make a new actionscript 3.0 document ,select first frame right click and choose ACTIONS or simply hit F9 button to bring up the ACTIONS PANEL.
3.Inside it we gonna write the codes that actually load the game
4.Copy/Past this code
Code: [Select]
///imports we need them
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.events.Event;
///mhm this allows us to pass security
stage.showDefaultContextMenu = false;
///we declare now our vars
var gameURL="http://chat.kongregate.com/gamez/0011/0782/live/rolypolycannonbmp.swf";
var gameLoader:Loader;
var gameRequest:URLRequest;
var gameContext:LoaderContext;
var game:Object;
///this will load game
function Loadgame() {
gameContext = new LoaderContext(false,ApplicationDomain.currentDomain,null);
gameLoader = new Loader();
gameRequest=new URLRequest(gameURL);
gameLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onGameReceived);
///when game is received we use addChildAt so we can put anything we want over the game
///like buttons,textfields and others
function onGameReceived(GameReceived:Event) {
stage.addChildAt(GameReceived.currentTarget.content, 0);
gameLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onGameReceived);
///uselees to trace it again because it already have a trace function inside it
trace("Trainer successfully loaded!")
///finally is done!\
//Note:This only works with AS3 games.
The code is well explained...>__>as good as i can
5.Now we can hack actually the game,maybe in oder tutorial i gonna explain how to do but as the title say i I summarize to load the game.
6.Export it as .exe go to File>Publish Settings>check the Windows Projector box and choose where to publish

And that is all!This is my first tutorial and also first post.
Also you can download the .fla from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?e8egdlfs0ulzefi
Re: [TuT]How to load AS3 games using Flash[1] Posted on: 06/26/2011 11:49pm
Quote Post
///mhm this allows us to pass security

If the loaded content is a SWF file written with ActionScript 3.0, it cannot be cross-scripted by a SWF file in another security sandbox unless that cross-scripting arrangement was approved through a call to the System.allowDomain() or the System.allowInsecureDomain() method in the loaded content file.[/i][/u]

I'm afraid your method of being able to "pass security" is flawed, unfortunately.