Backyard Monsters [G+]
Backyard Monsters [G+] Posted on: 01/14/2012 7:39pm
Quote Post

Free Speed-Up (Close Enough)
(9 results, change 2 to 9 only)
24 3c 24 05 a2
24 3c 2d 44 a2
(9 results)
24 05 24 3c a2
2d 44 24 3c a2

No Resource Used
(still need to pass the requirements when build/upgrade)
d0 30 d3 11 00 00 00
d0 30 d2 48 02 02 02

- AoB have to change on or before "Loading ..." screen
- game version: gameloader-v21.swf

I know there are few topics about Backyard Monsters.
But it is the 1st topic for this game on Google+ platform.
Pls keep on constructive.