KBH error i have no idea how to fix plz help
KBH error i have no idea how to fix plz help Posted on: 07/08/2012 2:06pm
Quote Post
I have tried downloading and getting into KBH multiple time but thus far i have always revived this message please help me.
Maybe unzip an archive or/and type in Command Prompt as admin "regsvr32 MSWINSCK.OCX" after you put this file (MSWINSCK.OCX) in system32 folder.
I tied both of the ideas and neither worked when i typed it into CMD it said "MSWINSCK.OCX may not be compatible with the version of windows" i am running windows 7 64 bit so i am not sure why it would not be compatible. any ways thanks for the idea if you got any thing else i would be more then happy to try it
So maybe try "regsvr64 MSWINSCK.OCX"... And copy this file to C:\Windows\sysWOW64 folder and try now.