[Closed] SAS4: Zombie Assault
Glitch in Ice truck
SAS4: Zombie Assault Posted on: 06/24/2015 4:08am
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Since I started using some hacks, I noticed that sometimes when i'm on the Ice Truck my character is outside the truck allowing me to explore the truck route (but getting killed most of the time) is that something from the game or is related to the hack?

RE: SAS4: Zombie Assault Posted on: 06/24/2015 2:33pm
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Could be lag. Not sure. Please give more detail.

RE: SAS4: Zombie Assault Posted on: 06/24/2015 7:47pm
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Hacking Universe

no its something IC is known for.
with no hacks you can still glitch.

Federation top zombie killer in a not-so-legit way. Inventor of the holy hand antidode that instantly kills zombies and any spawns. IGN: ZombieKillSpree2, although that won't be the player you see, but its the kong profile I operate from.

RE: SAS4: Zombie Assault Posted on: 06/26/2015 5:25pm
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Hello guys. I started to play again and I wanted to know if someone could share with me an Elite Core hack or a 'less' premium hack, like a Nanto drop only hack. I promise I won't share to anyone or abuse using it. (2 guns olny)