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Last Updated: 03/28/2015 08:08
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Must-a-Mine, a free online Miscellaneous game brought to you by Armor Games. The gold fever is back, with some shovels and weird machines, the Mustachios are trying to dig through the earth to find as much gold as they can! Help them to achieve it! Denomination Legend : K : Kilo = 1000 M : Million = 1000 K B : Billion = 1000 M T : Trillion = 1000 B R : Quadriliion = 1000 T Q : Quintillion = 1000 R X : Sextiliion = 1000 Q S : Septillion = 1000 X C : Octillion = 1000 S N : Nonicillion = 1000 C D : Decillion = 1000 N U : Undecillion = 1000 D I : Duidecillion = 1000 U Tr : Tredecillion = 1000 I Qu : Quattuordecillion = 1000 Tr Qn : Quindecillion = 1000 Qu Sx : Sexdeciliion = 1000 Qn Sp : Septendecillion = 1000 Sx Ct : Octodecillion = 1000 Sp Nv : Novemdecillion = 1000 Ct Vg : Vigintiliion = 1000 Nv