lol wut
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Joined On: 07/31/2010
Last Login: 07/24/2020
Posts: 375
Groups: The Elite
Highest Points:2,735,010.13
Hack Count:1,071
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Vote Count:7
Post Count:375
Location:Never Never Land
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Lies and Slander.

Survival of the fittest? Then why are there so many idiots around...
Point proven.
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Karma: 40
11/01/2016 Mordecai897

Great post, great examples, and great explanations.

09/27/2016 Mordecai897

Great job making that spreadsheet. Very organized and accurate. I get down-votes from most of those members in your list. :P

08/28/2016 Mordecai897

Thanks! I couldn't have done it without you! :D

07/24/2016 Mordecai897

Thanks a a lot! :D

06/22/2016 The Ignorant Masses

Excellent reply. Welcome back. :D

06/08/2016 Mordecai897

Thanks for all of the hacks you made! Kick ass man!

03/18/2015 Zenwaichi

You've been a good mentor, thank you...

02/19/2015 gates

Nice work!

01/29/2015 Zenwaichi

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr-buV4tYOA :)

01/28/2015 The Ignorant Masses

Fuck yeah insane dox! Thanks for putting that together man. Much appreciated.

01/28/2015 kolonelkadat

very nice!

01/11/2015 kolonelkadat

very well said

01/11/2015 Zenwaichi

Words of wisdom :)

12/23/2014 The Ignorant Masses

Thank you for all of the amazing hacks!

02/02/2014 kolonelkadat for all that you do
01/22/2014 gates You're a machine! You haven't posted in the forums in a long time so I'm using your last post to say thanks, again.
12/25/2013 palcat1 constantly provides great aob's on multiple games
11/14/2013 tornade10
09/17/2013 Lies keep up the good work
07/21/2013 Ko-Mar good work
06/30/2013 gates For the insane amount of AoBs you provide...
06/04/2013 dudial coz your AoB always work. keep it up. thx
06/02/2013 no sheds jackson
05/06/2013 tech.kyle AoB worked like a charm
05/04/2013 DK000 flawless once again :)
04/20/2013 thenewcomer for fulfilling my request so fast, and for understanding that jargon of code.
04/18/2013 Cybafish20 At least 80% of the time, when I see a game's page with good, working, continuously updated AOB hacks, even in user friendly formats, I usually see President Misato glaring back at me with that skeptical look. You've been with KongregateHack for a long time, and your an avid member of the community. I can only hope to be half as good as you. Keep it up!
04/17/2013 nordland Thanks for the good AOB's
04/08/2013 braks Thank you
04/05/2013 braks
04/01/2013 tech.kyle Being awesome, AoBs
03/22/2013 EHoK Bloons TD5 Hacks... So nice.
10/15/2012 kolonelkadat thanks man
09/14/2012 Mzzrri Much thanks. Could I get your help on EWS? Been looking into it but haven't found quite yet what I'm looking for.
05/02/2012 nigerian
05/02/2012 kolonelkadat damn haha you beat me to it. thanks a bunch man.
04/22/2012 The Ignorant Masses Fuck Yeah, AOBs!
04/18/2012 kolonelkadat thanks for posting hacks here too man. you rock!!
04/07/2012 The Ignorant Masses Thanks for the AoB's man!
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