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Joined On: 06/12/2010
Last Login: 04/30/2016
Posts: 399
Highest Points:1,063,366.91
Hack Count:527
Vote Count:13
Post Count:399

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Karma: 117
05/06/2015 gravebella2

sweet! i'll try it. thank you very much mate :D

04/19/2015 styruslolz

I'm afraid telepathy does work, my friend :DD

03/20/2015 theonewalker

Thanks you for all those good hackS

03/17/2015 ultramichael821

Awesome hacks!

02/24/2015 spy1307

your awesome :)

02/13/2015 lobosmainman2

Teleport hack works great!

01/29/2015 Zenwaichi

111th karma :D thanks for the quickie but if could give me a booking to when she's still alive (and maybe i'm too). I mean waiting 10 year is enough of a burden already. If we are both alive it's gonna be so awkward to get down to business between elders lol

01/26/2015 m0bitz

Thanks for new AoB

01/10/2015 Hachiimi

because he's awesome

01/01/2015 blankslo

Thanks for your work on KingsRoad :)

12/17/2014 Zenwaichi

From the day we arrive on the planet And blinking, step into the sun There's more to see than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done There's far too much to take in here More to find than can ever be found But the sun rolling high Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round

12/09/2014 utkinns
11/28/2014 utkinns
11/28/2014 utkinns
11/27/2014 tomtinhte
11/18/2014 Badgertastic3 Good work fella :D
11/01/2014 sm1unik for fixing the kingsroad move cheat
10/31/2014 muzammil I like your hacks :)
10/28/2014 scottrot1
10/05/2014 harryheftruc
09/13/2014 ra607
09/13/2014 NokastuTaco Cool dude
09/09/2014 clampzy thanks! pls kingsroad again 30x is too fast for the server. can u make it 10x or 15x? thanks again!
09/09/2014 ra607
09/07/2014 knigttje Your hacks rock!
09/06/2014 deadtime because i realy want the appreciation via telepathy.
08/30/2014 facecheatsbrasil
08/15/2014 mojojo nice works
08/12/2014 hgre14
08/09/2014 hgre14 Thank you very much for helping me out. :3 Serious, thank you.
08/07/2014 Balls o steel :d
08/07/2014 khai95 This is for SAS Zombie Assault IV read PM
08/06/2014 haldiz
08/06/2014 maverick14343 plus 1 again for a job well done...for making a hack.
08/04/2014 JoeHunter
08/02/2014 Bubble Guts
07/30/2014 jarly reminding me to look for the latest remote-services .ct for kingsroad
07/24/2014 korimemori Awesome work for players :D
07/23/2014 sicherheit wow
07/23/2014 JoeTuner
07/22/2014 fatzi for the work invested ;)
07/21/2014 obscured You are awsome with hacks
07/19/2014 sukiyakii thanks for your answer :)
07/13/2014 Bubble Guts
07/12/2014 Bubble Guts I appreciate your hard work, I donated to the site, go buy a 6 pack!
07/12/2014 pheonixsong only hack that still works 100%
07/04/2014 indry11 Thanks
07/01/2014 azazelnn
06/22/2014 MAAhack The Best One
06/22/2014 gates Thanks for all the hard work and contributions to Kong Hack!
06/22/2014 Dainslef
06/22/2014 piratesephiroth
06/17/2014 chrisbeard
06/16/2014 th3dw
06/15/2014 ASSASIN
06/14/2014 maverick14343 a good person always has a ways to make people happy thanks sir.
06/11/2014 abuu
06/11/2014 djstrange
06/08/2014 Xulu
06/05/2014 sku11b0n3 Your sas 4 hacks are amazing, i've never thought of these hacks and never expected these hacks to be possible. Great job man and continue the good work
05/19/2014 helvers thank a lot ^_^
05/13/2014 nomak66 thx
05/02/2014 azazelnn
05/02/2014 Dainslef
04/28/2014 Fagotul31 amazing cheats
04/28/2014 maverick14343 a very nice person never let someone down..a karma to you sir
04/23/2014 korimemori
04/17/2014 Jhelo31 thanks for the ct table i got in page30 in thread of MAA
04/09/2014 jarly Kingsroad would be so boring without your help.
03/31/2014 maximusmax Thanks for the kingsroad hacks!
03/29/2014 Badgertastic
03/27/2014 Zenwaichi ty
03/27/2014 Nuriell For the hard and good work you do every day.
03/26/2014 Malik thanks so much, you're the best. C;
03/10/2014 Zenwaichi I love you, but I also thought only I and saucyjack knew about this since it was like our experimental project ^^ you never stop to amaze me
03/05/2014 BurnedEden
03/01/2014 q1q
02/16/2014 mukuljain87 Simply no words for the pure genius you are !! :D
02/15/2014 HeroLight Thanks for your genius! :D
02/12/2014 jarly Thanks for the details on the script. I counted about 200 ids, but the numbers at the bottom (1000, and 15,000) I wasn't sure about.
02/11/2014 jake7901
02/08/2014 hotrod Your dead on. Brandon 7. Thanks for the tips. :)
02/01/2014 Xanatos
02/01/2014 real_slow_one to thank you for all the effort and time you take helping us with all the coding needed to bottle feed us with such little knowledge of the coding
01/31/2014 brotherbear You've been very helpful this entire time.
01/25/2014 gates For all of your hacks, thanks man!
01/21/2014 mukuljain87 Helpful and Hacks working
01/20/2014 That_Guy good work
01/16/2014 terminatorov thank you for creating the script and giving it the dolce panna name :)
01/12/2014 evilsnow
01/11/2014 saintstreet Thanks for your help and update with explanation
01/11/2014 monfrix free karma ;)
01/08/2014 Zenwaichi so fucking amazing
12/27/2013 piratesephiroth
12/26/2013 Xitra
12/17/2013 piratesephiroth
12/09/2013 Lucifer Amazed me again for the incredible AoBs on another game (ChronoBlade). Keep up the awesome work man! Love your AoBs =)
11/30/2013 edmi001 Great AoB.
11/26/2013 Lucifer Cheers for the awesome hack to Ashtaria! :)
11/26/2013 That_Guy Nice AOB
08/31/2013 alibababobo
08/16/2013 migaman2010 you are perfect
08/15/2013 saintstreet thank you sir for your help
08/10/2013 SaucyJack Great work on the Akaneiro aobs, friend!
07/29/2013 Zenwaichi Wonderful work :)
07/27/2013 agrodon Helpful info.
07/27/2013 gomorrah08
07/26/2013 Slaw
07/08/2013 Zenwaichi your aobs are pieces of art
06/03/2013 no sheds jackson
05/26/2013 chipper123 "sh.." ;)
04/30/2013 oiausdf7
04/21/2013 oiausdf7
04/12/2013 tech.kyle Nice post
04/11/2013 ak47pabl0
03/28/2013 R4GE.xs
03/13/2013 kolonelkadat awesome!
03/12/2013 thenewcomer you contribute a lot of aob's. +rep for you :)
03/12/2013 The Ignorant Masses Thanks for the hacks!
I'm Sponsoring
06/19/2014 - 07/07/2014 180.000
06/19/2014 - 07/07/2014 180.000
06/19/2014 - 07/07/2014 180.000
06/19/2014 - 07/07/2014 180.000
06/19/2014 - 07/07/2014 180.000
06/19/2014 - 07/07/2014 180.000
06/19/2014 - 07/07/2014 180.000
06/28/2014 - 07/21/2014 230.000
06/28/2014 - 07/21/2014 230.000
06/28/2014 - 07/21/2014 230.000
06/28/2014 - 07/21/2014 230.000
06/28/2014 - 07/21/2014 230.000
07/07/2014 - 07/28/2014 210.000
07/07/2014 - 07/21/2014 140.000
07/07/2014 - 07/28/2014 210.000
07/21/2014 - 08/05/2014 150.000
07/21/2014 - 08/12/2014 210.000
07/21/2014 - 08/05/2014 150.000
07/28/2014 - 08/27/2014 290.000
07/28/2014 - 08/27/2014 290.000
07/28/2014 - 08/12/2014 140.000
08/05/2014 - 08/12/2014 60.000
08/05/2014 - 08/27/2014 210.000
08/05/2014 - 08/27/2014 210.000
08/05/2014 - 08/27/2014 210.000
08/05/2014 - 08/27/2014 210.000
08/05/2014 - 08/27/2014 210.000
08/05/2014 - 08/27/2014 210.000
08/12/2014 - 08/27/2014 150.000
08/12/2014 - 08/27/2014 150.000
08/12/2014 - 08/27/2014 150.000
08/12/2014 - 08/27/2014 150.000
08/16/2014 - 08/27/2014 110.000
08/16/2014 - 09/11/2014 260.000
08/16/2014 - 09/11/2014 260.000
08/16/2014 - 08/27/2014 110.000
08/27/2014 - 09/11/2014 150.000
08/27/2014 - 09/11/2014 150.000
08/27/2014 - 09/11/2014 150.000
08/27/2014 - 09/11/2014 150.000
08/27/2014 - 09/11/2014 150.000
09/11/2014 - 10/10/2014 290.000
09/11/2014 - 10/10/2014 290.000
09/11/2014 - 10/10/2014 290.000
09/11/2014 - 10/10/2014 290.000
09/18/2014 - 01/16/2015 1,210.000
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