Ubi Maior Minor Cessat
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Joined On: 07/28/2012
Last Login: 02/08/2024
Posts: 983
Groups: The Elite
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Highest Points:3,952,577.02
Hack Count:709
SOL Count:3
Vote Count:293
Post Count:983
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Karma: 114
03/01/2021 helloiamjoe

thanks for the hack

09/21/2020 sinfulfullsin

thanks for info about hex number

09/04/2020 ufkingbanned

thx you <3

06/16/2020 burrubu

Thank you for the valuable information! My usual AoBs are from decompiling the (flash) game, and this time I ventured into disassembling some memory region directly from CE. I will look more into it.

01/30/2020 Goro

Epic battle fantasy 5, tack & thx mate!

10/22/2019 m0bitz

works still, excellently

10/07/2019 rawrkitteh

There doesn't need to be a specific reason for ya.

10/05/2019 skullord714

Idle IdleGameDev console

10/02/2019 goku90504

Idle Idle gamedev cheat It'd be nice to have a version that just gives a certain amount of a given currency but beggars have little right to be choosers and this hack you gave does work (which is more than can be said for any of my attempts)

10/02/2019 kjhendir

Great coding skills and also, just a great person

10/01/2019 lughaidh

hack it works

10/01/2019 thomisback2

idle game dev

08/24/2019 zoicado

Fixed the issue with my ip getting banned for no reason

05/04/2019 rawrkitteh

You rock :)

05/30/2018 ghostxpro

thanks for help

04/23/2018 YetAnoth3rNub

Your posts are really helpful, keep it up :)

12/11/2017 jcbsb

My khtu stoped working and he gave the solution

11/04/2017 Forceline

Thank you; I may not remember tho.

10/30/2017 cruziniv


10/30/2017 rawrkitteh

You're plain awesome for all you've done.

10/30/2017 dragon99973

Nice tips for beginner (y)

10/19/2017 shinnar

Thanks man!

09/09/2017 Yessin111

Thanks for helping me with my stupidness <3

08/12/2017 FAggit

This guy helped me with my request! thanks man

08/11/2017 PortalB

This man is lovely

07/30/2017 kjhendir

Thanks for the hacks and sorry for bothering you for them, i'll learn someday and i'll update the ones for Idling to Rule the Gods xD

07/28/2017 xmenta

Cuz you deserve it! Thanks man

07/24/2017 KingHong

Given me an awesome suggestion while no one else did.

06/13/2017 harrisonhess

A very nice bro :D

06/05/2017 ledah

instant reply man, thanks ^^

06/02/2017 xmenta


05/22/2017 MoGaming

I enjoy there hacks

05/21/2017 ram2002

good replay me

05/07/2017 Rez00

Gave me a laugh but also reminded be to be careful to not end up like that random profile XD.

05/02/2017 kaneki3211

the duty of the staff is hard and i really do appreciate your work on the site and everything else you do

04/19/2017 Forceline

Guess i didn't do the best job finding the max, thx.

02/23/2017 chamomild

thanks for making these hax!

02/13/2017 kitsune

Very nice person

01/26/2017 Lorde

this is helpful

12/05/2016 gibranhl

I am giving you karma because you posted some helpful information in the post.

11/02/2016 Mordecai897

Thanks for the information. We won't have to go through this ever again.

10/25/2016 illmuhumibinati_ponka

I asked for help in more than 30 forums and no one replied but in this forum , you replied...

Thanks Again!

10/17/2016 Mordecai897

Y8.com FTW

10/02/2016 AutismoBoy500

Very dedicated user.

09/23/2016 Doomware

You've been keeping busy. Here's a Karma.

09/19/2016 ThisIsMyAccount12345

Thanks for posting this information

08/22/2016 atlan

nice info thanks

08/19/2016 Agent Caio

thanks man!

08/15/2016 iceyman741

helpful info

08/07/2016 Raust

Helping me learning something.

08/04/2016 Frylock321

For niggling my niggles, and not explaining the process of lua confusion, but helping none the less. Niggle on you crazy diamond.

07/27/2016 ipakerok46

Thanks for sponsoring me

07/18/2016 Mordecai897

You are of great help! :D

06/21/2016 Dumplin

You know your shit. I like that.

06/11/2016 Cretanicious

i dont know what i did but igave you karma :D

06/11/2016 pushit1991

Thanks a lot for those new hacks for ITRTG ^^

06/08/2016 Mordecai897

"Things I trust more than I trust Hillary Clinton: Mexican tap water. Farting when I have diarrhea. Having a drink offered by Bill Cosby. Michael Jackson's doctor. Prince's pharmacist. Half-price gas station Sushi. A Nazi plumber fixing my shower. Prayers for peace from Al Sharpton. Playing Russian Roulette with a semi-automatic pistol. An investment email from a Nigerian prince. A Ford Pinto with twenty extra jugs of gasoline in the back seat. And finally - Bill Clinton at a Girl Scout convention."

Zenwaichi 2016/6/8

06/03/2016 Mordecai897

For letting me know my hacks were not updated. I almost forgot to give you up karma :P

05/29/2016 wiccolo

That's the way i thank you for being good :)

05/17/2016 Mordecai897

Helping me finally make an AoB :)

04/20/2016 mimikos

For your reply regarding how to find out in which games you can use the hacks.

04/20/2016 UsernameNotInUse

Very useful post.

04/18/2016 Mordecai897

Thanks for the hacks bro! :)

02/19/2016 ultimusa

Hi! Thanks for sponsoring me!

02/13/2016 randomly2100

I think it's time we bury the hatchet. :)

12/28/2015 randomly2100

Excellent work on Feliz Navidad: Crossmas Schmup :)

12/24/2015 randomly2100

Valiant effort on the snowballs, but I dodged all of them :P

12/22/2015 kolonelkadat

for being kind and helpful to a new member

12/20/2015 camax

i'm new here so i found good info in this post that's all ^^

12/12/2015 trollface213

Thanks for the points that you get for doing alot of things

12/01/2015 randomly2100

Very impressive hack :)

11/26/2015 randomly2100

Counter karma since the one below had no merit.

11/25/2015 Strider18

Flipped out for no reason and started being abusive right from the beginning because someone stated a fact about the experience they had with some hacks in a completely grown up way.

11/25/2015 randomly2100

Thanks for what you did for me, you're awesome!!!

11/13/2015 randomly2100

Thank you.

11/04/2015 randomly2100

for being the peace maker

10/30/2015 chrisroller

Thanks for Realm Grinder hacks

10/13/2015 randomly2100

Thank you for what you said

10/11/2015 fakutya

Yeah, never together. But i feel it was more the alloy-limit that triggered it

10/10/2015 styruslolz

you are too kind!!! giving free points to everyone lol

09/22/2015 chilly

thanks for the good "heads up" on points

09/04/2015 Darklord007

Oh man, that was fast! Thank you for those hacks and updates!

08/24/2015 styruslolz

this guy is awesome, he helps everybody :)

08/24/2015 DeltaRazer

Very friendly and helpful !

07/28/2015 jjackson82

Because the first time didn't work or something?

07/26/2015 styruslolz

thanks man, for taking the time to create this wonderful hack! Much appreciated!

07/26/2015 hackergonnahackLOL

Thanks for the hacks!

07/24/2015 styruslolz

gud1, nice hacks

07/23/2015 ultramichael821

Good hacks. and sry for being a douche on kong. were cool now? :)

07/19/2015 AeternusMitis

Fast update for the hack. Thanks you for your time :)

04/29/2015 logaden

thanks for fast replying

04/13/2015 LeUsername

Fucking good laugh. Thanks dude. XD

03/20/2015 Amenhotep

For the Forge of Gods hacks, and here's to hoping for more success.

03/18/2015 plitka

good initiative

03/17/2015 b0mber

Funny! Supporting the dev on an anti-dev site.

03/10/2015 Utopia

for FoG!!!

02/05/2015 xBeelzebubx

I been watching your hacks and they are amazing, they work on the most popular games thank you

02/05/2015 xcyteme

Hack for Lionheart tactics

02/04/2015 nonrelent

you fulfilled my lionheart request like a boss!

01/03/2015 Goro

Thanks again for your help Zenwaichi (Help forum)!

12/18/2014 shalala

Really helpful and patient :)

12/16/2014 Kevin91x

Not related to topic, helped provide information and hacks ^~^

12/11/2014 flashlight1564

thanks for the help

12/08/2014 kodiak because your awesome!!
11/26/2014 gamer1024 Not related to this post, but you're awesome for helping me figure out how to hack.
11/09/2014 kolonelkadat for being awesome!
11/04/2014 gilraen165
09/30/2014 Horizon Geeze chill.
09/23/2014 The Ignorant Masses Ron FTW
08/15/2014 tyshawn1900 good hacks
08/02/2014 asdf1337
06/01/2014 bokloz1996
05/15/2014 kolonelkadat for making my job easier. (not related to the post, i just needed a karma link)
05/03/2014 klys4 For helping in chat with actionscript 1.
03/19/2014 EHoK U help me understanderino .swf aobs, tnx.
02/22/2014 dudial +1 like it. pimps ftw !
12/21/2013 lordyoyo Sweet :D
06/23/2013 daniele117 thanks for the guide =)
I'm Sponsoring
07/18/2014 - 08/11/2014 1,100.000
07/21/2014 - 08/23/2014 310.000
07/21/2014 - 07/28/2014 70.000
07/21/2014 - 11/29/2014 1,310.000
07/21/2014 - 11/25/2014 1,270.000
07/23/2014 - 10/04/2014 710.000
07/28/2014 - 11/13/2014 1,080.000
08/01/2014 - 09/20/2014 480.000
08/02/2014 - 09/01/2014 280.000
08/13/2014 - 11/22/2014 1,020.000
09/15/2014 - 09/22/2014 60.000
11/04/2014 - 01/28/2015 880.000
11/16/2014 - 11/19/2014 1,000.000
11/30/2014 - 03/24/2015 1,130.000
12/01/2014 - 01/28/2015 580.000
12/12/2014 - 12/25/2014 1,200.000
12/13/2014 - 01/28/2015 552.000
12/14/2014 - 01/28/2015 450.000
12/21/2014 - 01/01/2015 1,000.000
12/24/2014 - 01/17/2015 230.000
01/17/2015 - 01/26/2015 800.000
01/20/2015 - 02/11/2015 210.000
03/18/2015 - 03/27/2015 1,200.000
03/24/2015 - 04/01/2015 1,050.000
04/29/2015 - 05/03/2015 40.000
05/23/2015 - 05/27/2015 1,200.000
06/15/2015 - 07/02/2015 800.000
07/23/2015 - 10/25/2015 940.000
07/24/2015 - 08/05/2015 1,100.000
07/26/2015 - 08/07/2015 1,100.000
08/14/2015 - 08/20/2015 1,000.000
09/09/2015 - 09/22/2015 900.000
09/16/2015 - 09/23/2015 600.000
10/10/2015 - 11/04/2015 1,050.000
11/19/2015 - 11/25/2015 1,000.000
11/21/2015 - 12/12/2015 1,000.000
12/09/2015 - 12/19/2015 900.000
12/12/2015 - 12/18/2015 1,250.000
01/26/2016 - 02/02/2016 1,200.000
02/12/2016 - 02/14/2016 1,000.000
05/18/2016 - 05/20/2016 1,000.000
06/02/2016 - 06/22/2016 950.000
06/17/2016 - 06/19/2016 1,000.000
06/18/2016 - 06/29/2016 1,000.000
06/22/2016 - 07/03/2016 1,000.000
07/11/2016 - 07/14/2016 1,000.000
07/23/2016 - 08/04/2016 1,100.000
07/23/2016 - 07/25/2016 100.000
07/24/2016 - 08/04/2016 1,000.000
07/26/2016 - 07/28/2016 1,000.000
07/31/2016 - 11/05/2016 950.000
08/04/2016 - 08/07/2016 1,200.000
08/13/2016 - 08/16/2016 800.000
08/15/2016 - 08/17/2016 1,000.000
08/17/2016 - 08/19/2016 1,000.000
08/19/2016 - 08/22/2016 2,000.000
09/04/2016 - 09/06/2016 1,000.000
12/12/2016 - 12/15/2016 2,000.000
12/19/2016 - 12/21/2016 666.000
02/16/2017 - 02/19/2017 1,000.000
02/23/2017 - 03/01/2017 1,250.000
04/02/2017 - 04/04/2017 1,000.000
04/08/2017 - 04/10/2017 1,000.000
05/09/2017 - 05/11/2017 1,000.000
06/26/2017 - 07/07/2017 1,000.000
10/01/2017 - 10/09/2017 600.000
10/24/2017 - 10/26/2017 1,000.000
02/12/2018 - 02/23/2018 1,000.000
11/01/2018 - 11/13/2018 1,100.000
11/22/2018 - 11/23/2018 1,000.000
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