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OCD+-migrated-Last Updated: 10/26/2009 00:46 |
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Medals: 6 Points: 50 + 50 + 50 + 100 + 100 + 10 = 360 Big O Points: 50 96 07 00 08 0e 07 10 27 00 00 => 96 07 00 08 0E 07 00 00 00 00 The Pianist Points: 100 Language is a term most commonly used to refer to so called 'natural languages' - the forms of communication considered peculiar to humankind. In linguistics the term is extended to refer to the type of human thought process which creates and uses language. Die wichtigsten Baustoffe fur Brucken waren bis zum 19. Jahrhundert Stein und Holz. So bauten im 6. Jahrhundert vor Christus die Babylonier unter Nebukadnezar II. Brucken aus Zypressen - und Zedernholz. Den Bau von Bogenbrucken aus Natursteinen oder Beton beherrschten schon die Romer, wie das Pont du Gard heute noch eindrucksvoll belegt. La Terre ainsi que les autres planetes du systeme solaire se sont formees il y a 4,57 milliards d'annees a partir d'une nebuleuse solaire, masse de poussieres et de gaz en forme de disque detachee du Soleil en formation. Initialement en fusion, la couche externe de la Terre s'est refroidie pour former une croute solide et l'eau a commence a s'accumuler dans l'atmosphere. La Lune s'est formee peu de temps apres, sans doute a la suite d'une collision avec un objet de la taille de Mars (quelquefois appele Theia). Con la parola inglese film (letteralmente pellicola, italianizzato in filme o filmo durante il fascismo) si vuole indicare principalmente, in senso stretto, il prodotto tipico dell'industria cinematografica, ovvero quello formato da una sequenza di immagini dette fotogrammi incise su una striscia di poliestere o di triacetato di cellulosa (la pellicola vera e propria) da proiettare ad una velocita tale (24 fotogrammi al secondo solitamente, ma ne bastano 12 per ottenere l'effetto) che possano rendere l'illusione ottica del movimento tipica del cinema. Actualmente en la Tierra, los fenomenos meteorologicos regulares, tambien llamados meteoros climaticos incluyen viento, tormentas, lluvia, nieve, y granizo, que ocurre en la troposfera es decir en la parte mas baja de la atmosfera. El tiempo cambia movido por las diferencias de energia recibida del sol. Debido a los angulos con que la luz del sol inciden sobre la tierra, se calientan de forma distinta las diferentes partes del planeta. Dit is de plek waar de gebruikers hun flash kunnen uploaden. Deze krijgen dan een eigen pagina en worden dan door andere gebruikers beoordeeld met de cijfers 0-5. Op deze pagina kan men ook reviews schrijven. Als de flash nog in het portal is en de score onder een bepaalde grens ligt wordt het 'geblamd'. Dit houdt in dat de flash wordt verwijderd van de server en enkel nog maar een pagina te vinden is met de reviews en het commentaar van de maker, samen met een animatie. Czlowiek rozumny - jedyny wystepujacy wspolczesnie gatunek z rodzaju czlowiek zamieszkujacy cala Ziemie. Czlowiek anatomicznie wspolczesny powstal 200-150 tysiecy lat temu w Afryce. Mniej wiecej 100 tysiecy lat temu dotarl na Bliski Wschod, ok. 60 tys. lat temu do Australii, a prawie 40 tys. lat temu do Europy (byl to tzw. kromanionczyk, czyli czlowiek z Cro Magnon - od nazwy stanowiska archeologicznego we Francji). Ples je vrsta izrazanja, umetnosti in zabave. Ples je govorica telesa, ki se izraza skozi ritem glasbe in lahko predstavlja stil clovekovega zivljenja, kajti z vsakim gibom se v clovekovi dusi ustvarja zadovoljstvo. Ples je del kulturne izobrazbe vsakega posameznika in je kultura posameznega naroda. Ples je tudi umetnost in hkrati sport, v katerem se prepleta usklajenost dveh ali vec teles. Tieteessa luonnon tutkimus jakautuu elollisen luonnon tutkimukseen eli biologiaan ja elottoman luonnon tutkimukseen eli geotieteisiin, sisaltaen maantieteen, geologian ja meritieteen, hydrologian ja limnologian etta meteorologian seka tahtijarjestelmien ja maailmankaikkeuden tutkimuksen, kasittaen tahtitieteen, fysiikan ja kemian. Geologinen ajanlasku jaottelee maapallon historian vaiheita maapallon synnysta alkaen. As die wereld se derde grootste nasie (totale area), het die Verenigde State 'n baie wisselende landskap: gematigde woudland aan die ooskus, mangrovewoude in Florida, die Great Plains in die middel van die land, die Mississippi-Missouri rivierstelsel, die Rotsgebergte (Rocky Mountains) wes van die vlaktes, woestyne en gematigde kusgebiede wes van die Rotsgebergte en reenwoude in die noord-weste. Die vulkaniese eilande van Hawaii en die pool-gebiede van Alaska maak die geografiese diversiteit net nog groter. Ang mga lumad sa Sugbo gitawag nga mga Sugboanon. Sagad kanila naggikan sa mga tawong Austronesyano samtang may uban usab nga may kagikang Espanyol ug Intsik. Ang mga Kastila ug Intsik may dakong papel sa ekonomiya ug politika sa Sugbo. Daghang mga aspeto sa kulturang Kastila ang makita pa gihapon sa Sugbo. The term gay was originally used, until well into the mid-20th century, primarily to refer to feelings of being 'carefree', 'happy', or 'bright and showy'; it had also come to acquire some connotations of 'immorality' as early as 1637. K Points: 50 96 07 00 08 22 07 80 ee 36 00 => 96 07 00 08 22 07 00 00 00 00 208 Secret Medal Points: 10 96 02 00 08 00 lc 96 05 00 07 04 00 00 00 49 => 96 02 00 08 00 lc 96 05 00 07 CF 00 00 00 49
Human Test Subject Points: 100 96 07 00 08 20 07 15 00 00 00 => 96 07 00 08 20 07 00 00 00 00 SHUT Points: 100 12 9D 02 00 9F 00 => 02 9D 02 00 9F 00 96 07 00 08 00 07 00 0b 01 03 => 96 07 00 08 00 07 00 00 00 00 |
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Any ideas at to what is the secret medal?
Great hacks, KH! Tookie ![]() |
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Yea i wanna know what the secret medal is (broken image removed)
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you two are blind? he wrote it, look on place where is SECRET MEDAL. Enter those numbers and done
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Quote from: "Master_X" you two are blind? he wrote it, look on place where is SECRET MEDAL. Enter those numbers and done First, don't be so condescending, it's not nice. Second, you can only see "those numbers" when you already have the medal, and not before. Third, for those of you who want the secret badge, do the following: Open the subgame "208" and then put CE's speedhack to something high to make the countdown quicker. When the number is 4, put the speedhack back to one, a black DOS style screen should pop up, and then you simply type in (without quotes) "4 8 15 16 23 42" and then press enter. Tookie ![]() |
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Quote from: "tookie" Second, you can only see "those numbers" when you already have the medal, and not before. But you could know those numbers before, if you have watched "Lost". |
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Quote from: "tookie" Second, you can only see "those numbers" when you already have the medal, and not before.I think he meant the numbers I posted in the first post. |
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Okay, I'm a little lost here. I admit that I'm new to Cheat Engine, but I can't even hack into Big O. I started with the 10,000 First Scan and got lots of results, but after clicking on the red button and inserting 9999 into Next Scan, nothing pops up. (broken image removed) I can't get any of the other hacks either. Could someone spare some time for a new hacker? Thanks.
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Quote from: "TheGhostHybrid" Okay, I'm a little lost here. I admit that I'm new to Cheat Engine, but I can't even hack into Big O. I started with the 10,000 First Scan and got lots of results, but after clicking on the red button and inserting 9999 into Next Scan, nothing pops up. (broken image removed) I can't get any of the other hacks either. Could someone spare some time for a new hacker? Thanks.This game uses _root variables if I remember correctly. If you want a challenge, you should read Ignored's tutorial. There are two easy ways of hacking Big O. You can either click a few times and get a rather rare number like 9812 and search for this number times 8 (9812 * 8 = 78496) or you can use the AoB in the first post. Quote from: "KongregateHack" Big O A tutorial on how to use this AoB can be found here. |
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Thank you so much! I tried all the codes and they worked like a charm! I think I'm in love with AoBs. :lol: