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OK, I used speedhack set it to .1 I got 7.5 second at the least, I tried and I couldn't get it lower. Some people id it in 3.1 seconds as you can see from the score, any way to freeze time to make it 0 seconds? |
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hahah EASY,
Macro + speed hack I got 2.0 but since i am not logged in it doesnt record it Only thing I'm not sure about is a I have a 3.7 Quad Core w/4 gigs of ram so I dont know how much of that speed is due to computer speed on the macro. |
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Code: [Select] if (score > 30) |
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that could be why too.. hah
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96 05 00 07 1e 00 00 00 => 96 05 00 07 00 00 00 00
if (score > 30) => if (score > 0) |
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Quote from: "KongregateHack" 96 05 00 07 1e 00 00 00 => 96 05 00 07 00 00 00 00Doesn't work lol... |
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Quote from: "one" It doesn't give you a good score, it simply changes the minimum time for submitting your score. |
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Macro + speed hack + KH's method = under 3 seconds without it saying you cheated.
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Slaw, which macro program are you using?
Edit: I found a great one that was already mentioned on these forums a while back, I just never seemed to understand it back then, but's really quite simple. So, for those who want to use it: Download AutoHotKey at Open it and when it asks if you want to make a test script, click yes, when notepad opens with the script in it, select all and delete and just put "#:: Send abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" (without quotes). Then load up the AutoHotKey.exe file and when you need to type the alphabet, just hit the Windows key and together. Edit 2: Complete fail, why didn't it work? Tookie ![]() |
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you might need a delay between each, What I always did was record, and manually type them in where they need to be. Then there is a speed-up playback button.
You may need a way to break up all the letters, It might be doing "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" in responce to just A and then stopping. |
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Quote from: "Slaw" Then there is a speed-up playback button. That's what I use. Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there. |