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My Pet Protector 2 just came out today, I'm assuming its going to get badges like all the other ones
everything(money, resources, weeks, all skills, etc.)4 byte*8 |
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One good thing about this version is that the "stress" level is always a whole number and is simple enough to search, find and freeze to 0. Also, the sol file in this one is very easy to edit as well and is located at/in:
chat.kongregate.commyPetSaved2 Ooops!! I take that back about the "stress" level but the first time I played, it DID always stay a whole number and I did appear to be able to freeze the value at "0". One way around that is to edit your "stess" value in your sol file to a ridiculously high (-)negative number. Just make sure while playing the game that you never "REST" because that will cause your "stress" level to be reset to "0" and it will start adding up again. |
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Thanks for the share.
You can also freeze your hitpoints using that method. I tried to edit weeks, but i set it to NaN by mistake... |
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wow hummer.. your signature is pretty obnoxious... not a big fan of that.
Anyway, im playing the game right now legit.. i may post my .sol up. Idk why, im just not a fan of these pet protector games... but im pretty bored of RoS right now and SS is laggy as crap so... i have nothing better to do. |
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Updated AoBs
Enemies have 1 health 96 07 00 08 13 07 ?? ?? 00 00 1d 96 07 00 08 14 07 ?? ?? 00 00 -> 96 07 00 08 13 07 01 00 00 00 1d 96 07 00 08 14 07 01 00 00 00 No stress pt.1 96 04 00 08 01 08 00 1c 96 02 00 08 01 4e 96 05 00 07 ?? ?? 00 00 47 -> 96 04 00 08 01 08 00 1c 96 02 00 08 01 4e 96 05 00 07 00 00 00 00 47 No stress pt.2 96 04 00 08 02 08 29 1c 96 02 00 08 02 4e 96 05 00 07 ?? ?? 00 00 47 -> 96 04 00 08 02 08 29 1c 96 02 00 08 02 4e 96 05 00 07 00 00 00 00 47 No stress pt.3 96 08 00 04 01 08 13 04 01 08 13 4e 96 05 00 07 ?? ?? 00 00 47 -> 96 08 00 04 01 08 13 04 01 08 13 4e 96 05 00 07 00 00 00 00 47 No stress pt.4 96 08 00 04 01 08 13 04 01 08 13 4E 96 09 00 06 99 99 C9 3F 9A 99 99 99 47 -> 96 08 00 04 01 08 13 04 01 08 13 4e 96 05 00 07 00 00 00 00 47 02 02 02 02 No stress pt.5 96 02 00 08 47 4e 47 -> 96 02 00 08 47 4e 02 No stress pt.6 96 02 00 08 23 4e 47 -> 96 02 00 08 23 4e 02 I might have missed stress somewhere, post if you see it increase |
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The stress AoBs worked, at the expense of the iNets crashing. :?
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Nothing is working...
EDIT: Oh, I got the HP hack working. EDIT2: Well, it seems that the only things that aren't working are the AoB's. |
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all the AoB's work perfectly!
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I always get 20+ results when I search for the AoB's.
Am I supposed to change all of them? |
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I'd assume so, do Ctrl+A, move them down, Ctrl+A again, right click, Change Record, Value, then enter the new AoB.
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Stress from work seems to stay rising, although that might be because my "C" key has problems and you have to push down hard to get it to work. I should clean this keyboard already. Otherwise, all is well except for that I can't seem to figure out how to change Job skill levels (It's in decimals, sweeper, babysitter, tailor, etc. Those sorts of things.) Although I do remember that I did a heavy .SOL editing job on Protector 1, and maxed those out.
Here's a totally unnecessary list of items for those people who want to look good, or don't want to have to explain why they have those uber stats and are wearing training armor and a short sword. woodenstaff shortsword mastergloves masterhat chaincoif mastertunic masterboots longswordplusone breakoutbootsthree breakoutbootstwo breakoutboots longsword sword book brolly firesword scythe trisword curveblade dagger shiv wristblade splitwrist ripwrist hammer broom carrot doubleaxe boots gloves leggings tunic spellbook mace handaxe katana groundingwellies robinshood silkwormgloves dragonleggings firetunic goldstaff frozenhandaxe orcmace energetickatana noxiouslongsword firelongsword shortswordofmight katanaofconflict coatofsolidarity faithfulsandals scorpionmask wolfguard elementalgloves mithrilgloves prettypants ninjapants hammerpants orccoat crusadertunic darkstaff swordoflethality enchantedsword longswordplustwo fortitudetunic liarstounge fistblade skepticscoat cavernboots mysticalnikes brutalaxe workmansaxe chaosblade coatofprotection toxinlegs greedygauntlets strategichat knightshelmet stenchfilter protectorboots helmoflegends darknessgloves legsofprotection legendarycoat swordoflegends kong_but Shortsword Longsword Mace Broadsword magichat testbut daggerplusone caveboots oldspellbook skeletallongsword researchershood oarmace giantratfurs luckyleggings ancientvestments dragonstooth mysticalgloves titansaxe enlighteningsandals brewersleggings iceboundbritches soldiershandblade huntershood beautifulbonnet cropdustersgloves witchesspellbook coatofstability raidersrags longlostshoes burningblade wahlsarmour mightystaff minersmask demonicdestroyer watchmanswarders helmofforbiddenknowledge rustysword leathertunic leatherlegs apprenticerobe mageboots beginbut satanslayer Dagger Katana superbhandaxe holysword shreddingscythe fataledge ancientblade dragonsfury headmace bladeofwoe axeofslaughter masterysword stripedtunic splintmail Splintmail resistancesplintmail chaintunic Chainmail frozenchaintunic platetunic Platemail mithriltunic faithfulvestments masteryrobe plateofprotection platesofdarkness stripedpants masterleggings splintlegs masterypants darkplatelegs combolegs defenderlegs workshopleggings chaingloves energeticgloves beggarsgloves masterygloves shimmeringgloves glovesofprotection dragonhat masterchaincoif cowlofice subzeromask masteryhelm darkhelmet protectorhelmet newrockboots masteryboots fireboots firesandals coldsandals poisonsandals energysandals fluffyslippers darknessboots woodensword cardboardboots cardboardhelm cardboardarmour cardboardhelm2 cardboardleggings cardboardgloves clamverse clownboots craftbook crafthammer craftaxe craftdagger craftsword craftbook2 crafthammer2 craftaxe2 craftdagger2 craftsword2 craftbook3 crafthammer3 craftaxe3 craftdagger3 craftsword3 craftbook4 crafthammer4 craftaxe4 craftdagger4 craftsword4 craftbook5 crafthammer5 craftaxe5 craftdagger5 craftsword5 craftboots craftleggings craftgloves crafthelm craftboots2 craftleggings2 craftgloves2 crafthelm2 craftboots3 craftleggings3 craftgloves3 crafthelm3 craftboots4 craftleggings4 craftgloves4 crafthelm4 craftboots5 craftleggings5 craftgloves5 crafthelm5 ecraftbook ecrafthammer ecraftaxe ecraftdagger ecraftsword ecraftbook2 ecrafthammer2 ecraftaxe2 ecraftdagger2 ecraftsword2 ecraftbook3 ecrafthammer3 ecraftaxe3 ecraftdagger3 ecraftsword3 ecraftbook4 ecrafthammer4 ecraftaxe4 ecraftdagger4 ecraftsword4 ecraftbook5 ecrafthammer5 ecraftaxe5 ecraftdagger5 ecraftsword5 ecraftboots ecraftleggings ecraftgloves ecrafthelm ecraftboots2 ecraftleggings2 ecraftgloves2 ecrafthelm2 ecraftboots3 ecraftleggings3 ecraftgloves3 ecrafthelm3 ecraftboots4 ecraftleggings4 ecraftgloves4 ecrafthelm4 ecraftboots5 ecraftleggings5 ecraftgloves5 ecrafthelm5 masterforgehammer goldenaxe oldbroom mrclean rapidsweep masterbroom diaper feedingshirt childminder masterplacator noxinshackblade guardshelmet wizardhat warlockhat bookofkongregate kongaxe blizzardblade wordsofwarhammer noxblade clamoreofincineration gregsnobdagger spikedgloves accurategloves shieldinggloves vampiricgloves studentgloves mummywraps hardyhandguards beserkergloves warmmittens powerfist adamantiumgauntlets gandelfsgauntlets spellgloves blooddrinkergloves pikemangloves gemcraftgloves blooddrinkerhat adamantiumhelmet spellhat sparklyhat hunterscap tinfoilhat mastermindhat blooddrinkerboots bloonboots atheleteguards bunnislippers bigbadboots enchantedshoes warmwellies wickedboots snugglysandals fancypantspants blooddrinkerpants baggytrousers turtletossingthreads hedgehogpants blooddrinkerarmour passionateplates sonnysshirt sacredarmour gaiaarmour laststandbook protectopedia Protectopedia crustydiary headclomper shreddersfists theleech boxheadbasher Needing to say, I believe the "ecraft###5" are the strongest in the game, but I haven't checked thoroughly. They are the super-items made from crafting in the stitching and smithing classes |
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Well, it's got badges.
Easy: 1,000 total skill points Tookie ![]() |
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I don't know if this happened to anyone else, but I used Derek's AoB's for enemy's health and in some dungeons I would start in a place that I couldn't move, so I needed to refresh the page and never go into that dungeon ever again =P
I can't say if this is somehow related to the hack or not. If anyone else gets this.. Here's a screenshot ![]() |
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Yeah, I've experienced that as well at the most middle cave.
![]() Edit: At least it meant that I could leave the damn thing and sleep (broken image removed) Use AOBs - they do work, but they may have unexpected effects that could cause you to have to reload the page (which just means putting in the AOBs again...what are you complaining about? lol) Tookie ![]() |
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Quote from: "tookie" Yeah, I've experienced that as well at the most middle cave.That's exactly where it happens to me =P EDIT: I know this is a bit off-topic and might be a stupid question, but anyways..Derek, how did you manage to find these AoB's? I'm new to it and was looking at the code using SoThink...It was just a big buch of seemingly random code..I couldn't find anything useful at all. I appreciate any answer |