Sword FightSword Fight By tovrickLast Updated: 10/03/2020 14:13 |
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First post on this forum, I always have troiuble starting these things. |
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its all about what u like...for me am not a fan of idle games but i try to like any type of games..in my opinion sword fight is not a bad game so if u like idle games u might want to try it...and about the cheats ...u can play the game without them till u get to a point where u feel ur progressing slowly and get bored so u might wanna boost your progress with cheats |
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Games are really personal, at least IMO. What one enjoys, another will hate. If you enjoyed the first few minutes, keep going until you say to yourself, "Man I'm not having fun anymore..." and then drop it like your Cable provider. |
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This game is actually pretty fun i like the reset system and it isn't as easy as all those other games where you reset 2-3 times and you are OP |
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Never heard of it. Will give it a shot |
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Umm is this linked to the right game? I was trying to post a request for help with a hack for rival stars in this game https://konghack.com/game/display/129302-sword_fight but when I hit the button to post it told me there was already a post for that game name |
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it wasnt but now it is i think, good finding |