KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack
The latest and greatest in game hacking, with KongHack API hookups
KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 09/29/2017 11:05am
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   KongHack NET

KH NET is the sucessor to the KHUT that I have been working on for a little while. The application is in early testing phases just as KHUT was for long time. KongHack NET is built on a completely new and re-vamped AOB scanning engine and includes many planned features for the future. There is no roadmap as of now, however I am constantly working on.

**This version does not include an auto updating mechanism. Check back periodically if you submit a suggestion for an update**

   DOWNLOAD LINK (Current version:

Latest - https://konghack.com/filemanager/get/3wSSCx11294x5a1d631336b35


Required: Microsoft .Net 4.5.2+

Application refuses to startup:
    Ensure the following WPF Patch and .Net 4.5.2 or higher is installed:
    WPF Patch 64bit: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=848158
    WPF Patch 32bit: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=848159


  • Initial Public Release

  • Cleaned up AOB scanner
  • Added the ability to auto relog within 5-10ish minutes
  • Added an overlay to the AOB screen if no AOBs exist for the game

  • BIGGEST CHANGE: No more separate 32bit and 64bit download!
  • Scanner is now a bit quicker and more reliable
  • Process Selector column filtering
  • Fixed bug where AutoRelog would fail

  • Added hack-independent "Apply" buttons (plus colors, yay!)
  • Added better error handling
  • Switched to an installer based release style

  • Improved error handling UI
  • Made column filtering more noticeable
  • KHScript support. https://konghack.com/page/25-konghack-script
    • If an exception is thrown with the message "KHScript::Parse Failed", reply here with the game and script that was used
Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
konghacknet_setup- 1.01 MB 1,561

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 10/24/2017 6:40pm
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Just pushed a new update, make sure to check it out! #KHNET (this is twitter, right??)

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 10/25/2017 6:34pm
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Seem good! keep updating. It has auto-update or i have to manual install new version?

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 10/25/2017 6:44pm
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freedoms Posted on: 10/25/2017 2:34pm

Seem good! keep updating. It has auto-update or i have to manual install new version?

As of now, it is a manual install. In the future, there will be auto updating.

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 10/26/2017 11:05am
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Tried this for a bit, I do like it, although of course it needs some more work, that's what WIP is for.
But before I even start, you have to know that I use Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate Edition and the latest stable Firefox.
I have also never used KHUT, so I'm not sure about its similarities or its functions, these functions that you will add to KH-NET, so expect some 'duplicate' suggestions, I suppose.

Now here's some feedback of mine;
I think this one is very important, make the hacks show the "Service". Best example is "Protector", this game has different SWFs for Kongregate & ArmorGames, so it requires different AoBs for the different services. Right now, KH-NET can't exactly differ from it (no icon, no mention it's for this service, etc).

For the "Process Select", are you able to make them have a 'word search function'? Not sure what's the correct term, but it's simple; you press "p" and it goes to the first process that starts with the letter p. You should be able to type more of it, such as "plug".

Add an ability to enable or disable hacks. I know that sounds crazy, but the old AVM1 games have...Well I don't know what it is exactly, let's just say "dynamic memory", you can pretty much change a hack ingame, no need to add it to the main screen.
You could add a warning that this is only useful for AVM1s and not recommended for AVM2s or higher. Maybe you can even make the tool itself check if the game is AVM1 or not and allow the hacks to be toggled on or off.

Add some way to modify hacks, not just apply them. There's a variety of hacks where it changes a number for the stats or whatever. Such as in the Hands of War series games, EHoK's "run speed hack" can be changed if desired.

Add a better colour for the icons. For example, "Hack Applied" should be cyan.

Add a "Reload" button or make the tool automatically figure out that the AoB has been changed for whatever reason.
Not sure if you understand correctly. When I refresh my page, all my AoB changes are reset, of course. KH-NET should be able to either have a button where it reloads the hacks, or be able to find out that the page has been reloaded, hence the hacks apply themselves.
Also, a "memory" for the AOB tab wouldn't be bad, seems that when I press it, it just goes back to the start (no hacks applied and all).

Make the Game Search have a Service function as well as "Exact Words". I'm not sure if this is actually KongHack's fault itself, but there are 'duplicate' games, for example; http://www.kongregate.com/games/undefined/protector-reclaiming-the-throne and https://armorgames.com/play/1972/protector-reclaiming-the-throne?via-search=1
They do share different versions since the AoBs are different, but in Game Search, it is unable to know which is which unless you know the name (If you notice with ProtectorRT, in ArmorGames, it's "Protector - Reclaiming the Throne" and in Kongregate it's "Protector: Reclaiming the Throne", different symbols in the middle)
The "Exact Words" should be obvious; If you type "Protector", you will get Protector and only that, not Protector III, IV and all that.

I'll try this a bit more and see if I got some more feedback.

Hating the Soviet Union since 1924.
RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 10/26/2017 1:27pm
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id need a sort function or sort em by rank. also a function to check pages would be nice. like miniclip etc and see most used.

i looove ur tool;-)

works perfectly...


RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 10/26/2017 7:05pm
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Now here's some feedback of mine;
I think this one is very important, make the hacks show the "Service".

For the "Process Select".
Already possible, just click on the column header and type something :). I'll make this more clear

Add an ability to enable or disable hacks.
I know what you mean, but KH NET is aimed at a broader spectrum of games than just Flash/AVM1/2. Otherwise, noted.

Add some way to modify hacks, not just apply them.
This is a discuession that has been talked over before, and is one that I personally would like to implement, however is not currently supported by the KongHack API. The point of KHUT/KH NET is keeping hacks private which are marked Trainer Only, and as such the user is not able to see the AOB. This is more or less the original selling point of KHUT (private hacks ovthers cant steal).

Add a better colour for the icons.

Add a "Reload" button or make the tool automatically figure out that the AoB has been changed for whatever reason.
I think having a separate hack reload button rather than clicking on the AOB page would be useful. Automatic hack application is extremely iffy because not all games load as soon as the memory changes (among other memory related issues).

Make the Game Search have a Service function as well as "Exact Words"
The search return is exactly the same as KongHack's when actively typing in the search box, only difference is, after hitting enter, KH will send the query to Google to preform the search. ( I wasn't able to reproduce "only getting Protector and not Protector III")

@katerfew225: The hacks are sorted by votes (ranking, I guess). Viewing all hacks by service is not something that KongHack as a whole supports currently.

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 10/31/2017 9:51am
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Are there benefits installing this over KHUT?

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 10/31/2017 10:36am
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monkeytesting Posted on: 10/31/2017 5:51am

Are there benefits installing this over KHUT?

As far as features go, KHNET is currently a little bit behind KHUT, but also has features KHUT does not have. However, KHUT is no longer in development.
There is one only main feature of KHUT left that we plan on implementing and that is KH Script support.

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 11/29/2017 9:01am
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I wasted 10,000 points on this why?

Aw, I used KHUT to get badges but that feature didn't get carried over to KHNET :(

And now KHUT has issues with kongregate because of https, but http works. 

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 11/29/2017 1:05pm
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ThisIsAUsernameIThink Posted on: 11/29/2017 4:01am

Aw, I used KHUT to get badges but that feature didn't get carried over to KHNET :(

And now KHUT has issues with kongregate because of https, but http works. 

If I get enough requests I might implement it, however KH NET's aim is to be less targeted to a single service and more broad.

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 11/30/2017 6:07pm
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I wasted 10,000 points on this why?
Simple_AOB Posted on: 11/29/2017 8:05am
ThisIsAUsernameIThink Posted on: 11/29/2017 4:01am

Aw, I used KHUT to get badges but that feature didn't get carried over to KHNET :(

And now KHUT has issues with kongregate because of https, but http works. 

If I get enough requests I might implement it, however KH NET's aim is to be less targeted to a single service and more broad.

Understandable. I'll just keep using KHUT until it dies completly.

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 04/27/2018 5:19pm
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I don't know if this has been addressed but you can just remove the https altogether and it will still scrape the badges

ThisIsAUsernameIThink Posted on: 11/30/2017 1:07pm
Simple_AOB Posted on: 11/29/2017 8:05am
ThisIsAUsernameIThink Posted on: 11/29/2017 4:01am

Aw, I used KHUT to get badges but that feature didn't get carried over to KHNET :(

And now KHUT has issues with kongregate because of https, but http works. 

If I get enough requests I might implement it, however KH NET's aim is to be less targeted to a single service and more broad.

Understandable. I'll just keep using KHUT until it dies completly.

I don't know if this has been addressed but you can just remove the https altogether and it will still work

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 05/06/2018 4:03am
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I love this trainer, Love Love LOVE!

RE: KongHack NET: Easy to use, Easy to hack Posted on: 05/08/2018 2:21pm
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i think ill use it later when ultra hack goes off