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Funny Idle Incremental RPG Upgrades

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Last Updated: 09/09/2021 15:16

NGU IDLE - 20 pts. (new window)

What a Crappy

  Defeat the 7th boss

Low-Hanging Fruit

  Complete the scavenger hunt from the "Info 'n Stuff" button

Game Dscription
NGU IDLE, a free online Adventure game brought to you by Armor Games. Everyone likes numbers that go up. Play NGU Idle and get the exciting rush of so many numbers going up! With NGU Idle you’ll get: * Weekly updates! Maybe even more! Probably less! * An RPG and inventory system! * Loot drops for days! * A really weird story if you’re into that. * A mix of Idle and Active play to satisfy everyone except really grumpy people. * Progress Bars everywhere! * A snarky, very active dev who is extremely attractive and not biased at all. * Crappy Puns. You can also find NGU's discord here:
RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 02/26/2018 11:09pm
Quote Post

Still not working for me. I have the correct Chrome process, I'll do the first scan, change the value ingame but the second scan picks nothing.

Working. Upgraded CE to latest version.

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 03/05/2018 6:19pm
Quote Post

anyone mind just posting their save file online for those of us filty casuals that dont have the time nore effort enough to just figure out everything themselves, and some that do not run a windows os and have the inability or knowledge to use this hacks in the first place?  


RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 03/07/2018 4:46pm
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sesadrstdfg Posted on: 03/05/2018 1:19pm

anyone mind just posting their save file online for those of us filty casuals that dont have the time nore effort enough to just figure out everything themselves, and some that do not run a windows os and have the inability or knowledge to use this hacks in the first place?
(Tested on build 0.364 using Firefox)

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 03/10/2018 9:13am
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macro_79 Posted on: 03/07/2018 11:46am
(Tested on build 0.364 using Firefox)

Thanks for this. Also, if you make a more up to date, complete version, is there any chance to get that one. I think there is a spot to upload saves on here.

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 03/13/2018 9:26pm
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Strider18 Posted on: 03/10/2018 4:13am

Thanks for this. Also, if you make a more up to date, complete version, is there any chance to get that one. I think there is a spot to upload saves on here.

That's my lastest. (last working on Version 0,365)

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
ngusave(42).txt 46.35 KB 4,231
RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 03/25/2018 9:11am
Quote Post

I have managed to edit the EXP and AP amounts. I'm still trying to do something with the att/def boosts, to play around with, but can't seem to find those. IN the comments above I see that they are floating and since it is a percentage they need to have a decimal dot instead. Anyone have any luck with those?

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 04/13/2018 9:06pm
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Comment section to the rescue, thanks! Pointing it to the PID fixed it all, derp derp.

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 04/20/2018 8:18pm
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I updated my savegame to build 0.377
(Rebirth difficulty is set to evil, so don't worry, when the caps seems to be low.)
(I also set some Accessory into slots where usually Equipment takes place. Feel free to replace.)

click me for download

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
ngusave20180420.txt 70.12 KB 2,293
RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 04/22/2018 12:24pm
Quote Post

great info here, especially about the item changes.

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 04/26/2018 1:01pm
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Thank you for this although I am pretty sure I could've found this myself :P

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 04/30/2018 7:11pm
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So awesome, thanks :D

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 05/01/2018 9:11pm
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How to do all of this with Chrome:

This may be "no duh" for many, but I've helped a few others with this info.

First, save you game (online and off).

If you're using Cheat Engine with Chrome, hit Shift + Esc and find the process ID for the game (if you have it as the only open Kong game in the window, it's easier to find).  Having multiple Browsers open will not affect things as long as you have the game running in its own window.

Convert the process ID from Decimal to Hexidecimal (there are plenty of webpages to do this).

Open the process in Cheat Engine (File > Open Process) and select the Chrome process with the matching Hexidecimal value.

The easiest way to test if things are working is to change EXP or AP value (assuming you already have some points).  These points don't change that frequently.  Values in excess of 100 will make your search much easier.

Click "New Scan", set the Value Type to "8 Bytes".

Type in your current EXP or AP value and scan.  If you get more than one result, wait a few moments.  You'll likely see some values change and you can rescan to eliminate them.  It's often possible to get the single value if you're just a little patient.  If you do manage to narrow it down to one or two value, try changing the value to 12345 or something obvious (8675309 is always fun).  Check if the number has changed in your game.  If so, congrats, you are a 1337 haxxorz.

If changing the levels of equipment, I recommend un-equipping them.  You definitely need at least three pieces of matching equipment (five is better).  Searching for 0 level equipment (also an 8 byte value) does work, though it will take a minute (the higher the starting level, the easier).  It goes even slower once you add eq to it to raise the level.  The next search will seem like it hangs Cheat Engine (but it will work, be patient).  Keep adding eq until you narrow down the value.  You can just change the eq level to 100.  It will work 99% of the time.  If you find it doesn't work, I recommend saving your game, closing the browser, closing cheat engine, and starting from the beginning of the process.  If you keep running into the problem of the equipment not changing levels, try changing it to 99 rather than 100, then adding another piece of equipment to it.  This solved  those rare problems for me.

The majority of values in Chrome are 8 byte.  Blood is a double, as mentioned by others.

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 05/19/2018 7:02pm
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yeah i canfind these values - usuallly 2-3 ones but changing values dont work ;/ 

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 05/20/2018 2:35am
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yeah I can't find any values and I spent like hours trying every different thing and making sure I have the right tab selected with the decimal to hexadecimal thing and everything is correct but I can never find the values and I try everything!

RE: NGU IDLE Posted on: 05/21/2018 3:01am
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Going to post this here, because of the requirement of 5 posts for hacks. Almost everything is 4 byte. Some exceptions to this are the adventure stats, item stats, blood, and time factors. Here is a warning though, when you refresh all addresses go to ???, and you cant edit them. If you mess with the item stats when you refresh the stats go to the max that they can.