The Future
I'm worried 'bout the future, future, ain't fuckin' with that past shit, baby.
The Future Posted on: 11/27/2024 3:47am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

So, anyone seen this yet?

Homestar Runner is using Ruffle to keep the old content alive

As for KH, I'm pretty sure this is the end. I'm thinking about putting together a bot to scrape every page, build out a static site, and serve everything from a super cheap CDN or something. We're averaging about 1 post every 2 months, so $100/mo in servers seems a bit much :P

Anyway, let me know if anyone is still alive out there and if the site's still working for you.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: The Future Posted on: 12/28/2024 3:44pm
Quote Post

Still here, coming back as often as sometimes,
It's a public service you have here, I never got the gist of AOBs, pointers or Iframe targeting so I still come back here sometimes if there's some table I need. 

  • On the Subject of Ruffle 

I saw it, I often use it along Newgrounds Player and others.
there's even efforts of offline preservation, programs like Flashpoint that allow you to download the entire flash program in your PC, entire libraries at once if you're into it (and make your own in the process)

  • I'm pretty sure this is the end

may I suggest you making a sort of all-in-one gameshark-like program that automaticallly detects variables and pointers and etcetera, giving functions for freezing/hacking values?
And SOLs editing, let's not forget that,
Better idea, if the tables are obsolete(due to the emulators having a different running environment) why not make a Ruffle designed from the ground up to hack the game?

RE: The Future Posted on: 12/29/2024 5:50am
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

And who do you propose would write a piece of software like that?

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: The Future Posted on: 12/29/2024 11:12pm
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It's not a one person's job, obviously, but one can plant the seeds for others to carry on.
Who knows? If the efforts are coordinated, it may be more productive than playing "Whack-A-Game" like Konghack has been doing.

RE: The Future Posted on: 01/31/2025 4:23am
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Just wanted to hop in and say I use KH probably a few times a year, honestly. It's been very helpful in the past and if this is indeed the end, I wanted to express appreciation for this. I never got into using the trainers but the Cheat Engine stuff has served me well for years, so thanks to anyone who was a poster of cheats, and for hosting this website for all this time. :)