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Groups: | The Elite Developers
| Join Date: | 12/03/2009 | Last Login: | 07/12/2018 | Badass: | #50 | Points: | 848,211.10 | Hack Count: | 96 | SOL Count: | 6 | Vote Count: | 31 | Post Count: | 267 | Birthday: | 12/31/1969 | Karma: | 41 |
KongregateHack Forum ?EUR? Guide to the basics [Scrape] SINCE THIS A SCRAPE, LINKS DO NOT WORK Source: http://pastebin.com/b0N07bFv ? Pictures from this post http://www.mediafire.com/?79kkwf0iuwrz9xq? by Aerelyte ?>> Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:29 pm Thread Index Terms and abbreviations to be familiar with - Here Hacking Programs (Cheat Engine, Ragnarok, KBH, and others) - Here The Basics of Cheat Engine - Here Array of Bytes FAQ and Tutorial - Here KBH Tutorial - Here Ragnarok & .Sol File Editing FAQ and Tutorial - Here .Sol Files FAQ and Tutorial - Here Step By Step Guide To Root Variables - Here
Note: To enlarge pictures, simply click on them. Last edited by KongregateHack on Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:52 pm, edited 16 times in total. How do you use an AoB? Find out here! What is cheat engine? Find out here! How do I use cheat engine? Find out here! If you are new here, READ THIS BEFORE POSTING! Moderator ? Posts: 786 Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:51 pm Top Terms and abbreviations to be familiar with (broken image removed)by Aerelyte ?>> Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:29 pm Cheat Engine - The main program we use for hacking/cheating. Learn to use this program and you will be good to go
CE - abbreviation for Cheat Engine
AoB - Array Of Bytes. This is a type of variable scan that can be performed using Cheat Engine. For more information on this, please click HERE to proceed to the AoB/Array Of Bytes section of this tutorial.
4 Byte - This is a type of variable scan that can be performed using Cheat Engine. For more information on this, please click HERE to proceed to the Cheat Engine section of this tutorial.
4 Bytes * 1 - This means that you take whatever value you are looking for and multiply it by one. For example, if someone says that your health value can be found with 4 Bytes*1, and your game health is 100, that means you search for 100.
4 Bytes * 8 - This means that you take whatever value you are looking for and multiply it by one. For example, if someone says that your health value can be found with 4 Bytes*8, and your game health is 100, that means you search for 800. If your health is 200, you search for 1600.
4 Bytes * 8 + 6 - This means that you take whatever value you are looking for and multiply it by eight and then add six. For example, if someone says that your health value can be found with 4 Bytes*8+6, and your game health is 100, that means you search for 806. If your health is 200, you search for 1606.
Double - This is a type of variable scan that can be performed using Cheat Engine.For more information on this, please click HERE to proceed to the Cheat Engine section of this tutorial.
Double * 1 - This means that you take whatever value you are looking for and multiply it by one. For example, if someone says that your health value can be found with Double*1, and your game health is 100, that means you search for 100. If your health is 200, you search for 200.
_root Variable - Just another type of variable that can be edited to manipulate a game, however, it takes quite a bit of knowledge to be able to do more than just a simple HP hack or something. If you really wish to delve into the world of Root Variables, insane hacker Ignored has written an incredible tutorial. See it here.
_level0/: - This is what you type into cheat engine when looking for root variables. For example, if someone says that Health is a root variable and can be found with _level0/:playerHP , that means you would open Cheat Engine, change variable type to Text, and scan for _level0/:playerHP, then adjust its value accordingly.
Rag - Ragnarok, an outdated and broken hacking program. Only used for .sol file editing now.
.Sol - The type of file that games store on your computer for saves.
KBH - Kongregate Badge Hack. A program that sends fake information to Kongregate so that you can easily get the Badges. How do you use an AoB? Find out here! What is cheat engine? Find out here! How do I use cheat engine? Find out here! If you are new here, READ THIS BEFORE POSTING! Moderator ? Posts: 786 Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:51 pm Top Hacking Programs (broken image removed)by Aerelyte ?>> Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:22 pm Cheat Engine - As stated earlier, CE is our bread and butter. You need it for anything we do here outside of .sol file editing. If you dont have it, get it Here
Ragnarok - Ragnarok is a broken hacking method. Back in the day, Rag was a very useful tool. However, this is no longer the case. Rag is now only used to edit .sol files. Correct me if im wrong, but Rag is sometimes able to edit .sol files that other .sol editors can not open. You can get it Here. I had other versions, but I lost them. The original Rag board isnt up, so there is no access to older versions.
KBH - Kongregate Badge Hack is a program that sends packets of information to kongregate so that you instantly get kong badges with absolutely no work. For many of us that have been here for a long time, this has proven to be more a curse than a blessing. However, it IS still useful and it still does its job if you have half a brain. You can download the program Here and you can find the official KBH thread Here.
.Sol File Editor - There are a few of these out there, and honestly i dont know which is best. The one i personally use can be downloaded Here. Basically this program opens up a save file file from your game, and then edits it so that you can make it say whatever you want. For instance, if you saved your game and you had 80 health but wanted to have 100 health the next time you loaded up the game, all you would have to do is open the .sol file and edit it to SAY that you have 100 hp, not 80. Very simple, but amazingly, some people cant grasp the concept. How do you use an AoB? Find out here! What is cheat engine? Find out here! How do I use cheat engine? Find out here! If you are new here, READ THIS BEFORE POSTING! Moderator ? Posts: 786 Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:51 pm Top The Basics Of Cheat Engine (broken image removed)by Aerelyte ?>> Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:45 pm Credit for this post largely goes to SomeOtherGuy. If you like this post, please, show him some love by thanking him and giving him Karma. Its a small gesture to show appreciation for his work. Click Here to increase his Karma (broken image removed)
Opening Processes:Click the "Process" button near "Edit" button and "Help" button. "Open Process Window" is a detached version of the dropdown list provided by the "Process" button. Do not use "Window List", because those processes are not 100% effective in finding values. Generally speaking, the one you will be looking for is near the bottom of the list. (broken image removed)
Some browsers such as Chrome or TheWorld will cause your windows list to look like this:
(broken image removed)
If you use a multi-threaded browser such as Chrome and TheWorld, then you must click the process that corresponds with the tab. The newest tab will be on top, so be sure to use that to your advantage, so that you don't have to hand-pick the correct tab to cheat. So, select this one:
(broken image removed)
For the next part of this tutorial, please refer to the following picture. The colors in the picture correspond with the colors of the text that explain what that particular object is.
(broken image removed)
Scanning - Insert the desired number to scan, and then click "First Scan". "New Scan" resets the scan. "Next Scan" scans the addresses among the addresses found by the last scan. Avoid searching for 0, it's a very wearing process. Sometimes you have to multiply a value by 8, or add by a few to get it right.
Types of values you will scan for:
4 Byte - The most common value you will search for. This is elaborated on further Here.
Double and Float - Contains Decimals. Mostly used for Money (Strangely), Health, and EXP, etc. To search for a Double or Float value, Scan the same way as a 4-byte. Sometimes have to switch between Truncated, Rounded (Default), and Rounded (Extreme) and this will normally be posted by the user who found the hack. E.G. To scan for "98.48327" you instead scan for "98" and look for an address with the value "98.48327"
Text - This is how you scan for _root variables, explained Here. They can also be used to edit text to say whatever you want them to say, if you find the right address.
Array of Bytes -The most important and advanced technique you can do with cheat engine, precisely scans arrays so that you can replace those with your own to do whatever you want, such as instead of losing money when buying something, you would gain money. Also called Bytecode hacking. Change Value Type to "Array of Bytes", and scan for the AoB provided by a player. Unless specified, you should change all of the values you find to the outcome AoB (The one often indicated by a "=>" or a new line.) This is elaborated on further Here and then even further Here.
All (Byte to Double) - A long method, but preferred. It technically saves time, so that you do less searches. This scans all values (Obviously) except for text and beyond. Should be used if the cheating method had not yet been found, and you're looking for one. This is EXCELLENT for people that are starting threads and wish to show some sort of effort before posting a bs "hax plz" post.
Custom - A dangerous value type to scan, scans the same way as the others, except the scan style and type is determined by the code used. Really, you dont need to know about this because this isnt really used at all.
Freezing Values - A relatively important thing. This causes your edited values to be unchangeable, meaning that if you changed your "Money" value to 10,000, it would not change unless you unfroze it. The problem with this is that if a value is frozen, and the game renders it a junk address and begins to change it, your browser could crash (If multi-threaded, then only that single tab will crash.) Of course, not all games will cause you to crash.
Speedhack - Sometimes doesn't do anything when set >1, almost always works when <1. Helps a lot while scanning. Not completely foolproof. A better way is to download a program like Process Hacker to "Suspend" the process (Meaning to pause it) and scan from there. If you suspend the process for too long, the browser/tab might disconnect from the internet. (Probably from lack of packet sending/recieving.)
Client Sided and Server Sided - Not having to do too much with CE, but it is important enough to be mentioned. Client side is the information that you have and (can) control. This is the case when you're playing in a single player game, or when the multiplayer game's developer decided not to make them server sided. Server-sided is the information owned by the game's server (Obviously), and cannot be edited using conventional means because they are not anywhere on your computer to edit. To edit server-sided information is to truly hack, and to truly hack is to truly break the law and is therefore NOT supported on this forum and never will be. Remember, cheating a game is not illegal. How do you use an AoB? Find out here! What is cheat engine? Find out here! How do I use cheat engine? Find out here! If you are new here, READ THIS BEFORE POSTING! Moderator ? Posts: 786 Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:51 pm Top Array of Bytes FAQ and Tutorial (broken image removed)by Aerelyte ?>> Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:21 pm Frequently Asked Questions What is an AoB? An AoB is an Array Of Bytes and looks like this: Code: Select all 60 44 66 c0 08 66 ae 0c 2c 85 0d 60 6d 4f af 0c 02 The AoB can be shorter or longer, it just depends on the hack. How do i use an AoB? Please refer to the tutorial below. Why are the AoB hacks not working? There can be a few reasons for an AoB not working. Normally, its due to the game being update. However, sometimes its due to User Error. You need to make sure that you enter the AoB before ever hitting a button in game. How do i make my own AoB hack? For a tutorial on AoB hacks, please refer to THIS thread. Step By Step Tutorial 1)Download Cheat Engine (If you dont know what it is or how to us it, go Here and then Here ) For a full guide on AOB hacking, take a look at pkedpker and maximillian's awesome guide. If you manage to master this, you'll put yourself in the company of some of the better hackers on this site. If you just want to use an AOB hack that someone else provided, it's simple. 1) Find the AOB hack. Chances are, if you're here, you'll find it here. For an example, we'll use the following AOB hack from "Mushroom Madness" (kudos to Derek) Unlimited Ammo 96 02 00 08 97 4e 51 -> 96 02 00 08 97 4e 02 2) Load up the game. DO NOT proceed past the initial screen/loader. Most games require that the game be freshly loaded into memory to apply the AOB hack - some even require you to apply the hack during the loader itself, which can get tricky as you try to do things quickly enough. CE's speedhack works well to help with that. 3) Start a search using "Array of Bytes" type of variable in CE. You want to search for the first value listed (in this case, 96 02 00 08 97 4e 51). AOBs are usually of sufficient length and complexity that you will only get one result, unless the operation occurs multiple times in the code. So you should only have to search once. Select your result (or all of them, if multiples come up) and add them to your CE variable list. 4) Change the value of your result(s) to the indicated value - in this case, 96 02 00 08 97 4e 02. You'll note that the arrays are nearly identical, the only difference being that the 51 at the end changed to 02. Be sure that you get all the changes, sometimes more than one value changes. 5) You're done, go ahead and play the game. One of the disadvantages of AOB hacks is that often, an update to the game will change the code enough that the AOB hack no longer works. If you're sure you've done everything properly - ESPECIALLY the part about searching for the AOB right after the game loads - then that may be the case. There is no easy way to make an incorrect AOB work, you'll either have to wait for someone to come out with an updated one, or learn how to do it yourself. (broken image removed) How do you use an AoB? Find out here! What is cheat engine? Find out here! How do I use cheat engine? Find out here! If you are new here, READ THIS BEFORE POSTING! Moderator ? Posts: 786 Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:51 pm Top KBH FAQ and Tutorial (broken image removed)by Aerelyte ?>> Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:22 pm Credit for this post goes strictly to ChaoMing. If you like this post, please, show him some love by thanking him and giving him Karma. Its a small gesture to show appreciation for his work. Click Here to increase his Karma.
KongregateBadgeHack (KBH)
This is a guide on how to use KBH, it's not really a difficult program to use, no installation needed either, just save to a folder and just open it!
LINK: download/file.php?id=253
All KBH does is send fake information packets to Kongregate's servers and inputting it into the highscore system. This tricks Kongregate's badge system into thinking you've done a specific action and needs to be awarded the badge. All YOU have to do is put in a few numbers, a link, and a few mouse clicks. You don't even have to be in the game and it'll do the work for you.
I will be using KBH on the most overhacked game known to man: Age of Wars.
1) Open your browser (does not matter which) and go to the game you wish to hack, then copy the link. (I haven't tested this, but I think you need to take out anything after the game name, like "?acomplete=age+of+war") Example: http://www.kongregate.com/games/Louissi/age-of-war(Copy this)
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2) Open KBH (of course), and go back a page out of the game. Make sure you're not in the game to be hacked, being in another game is fine. Once in KBH, click "Menu" at the top and then "Login to Kongregate" (Use your actual username/p.w.; no we don't save it or anything). If you get a "Welcome, Guest*random numbers+letters*", then you entered your information wrong.
(broken image removed)
3) Now that you're logged in, it's time to find out the categories (Highscores and Badges). Paste your link into the "URL:___", tick New System (some games don't need this), and then "Get Categories". If you get "No Badges!", then untick New System and try again, it takes a few tries for the categories to show. (Age of War is not part of the "new system", so "New System" will be unticked).
(broken image removed)
4) Once the categories show, click on the badge name you wish to obtain or the highscore you wish to achieve and click the > arrow to put it into the next box. (If you get an error that the badge/highscore is the same name, but different values, then you'll have to hack them separately, as, well, they're the same, just different values.) Example: Put "100 units trained" and "100 enemy units killed", and "Game completed" into the new box. Once the badges are in the next box, click "Send Packet to Kongregate". If you are hacking the highscores to make it look legit, then click "Get [OLD]" to find the current value, then put in a legitimate value and click "Set". Then "Send Packet to Kongregate".
(broken image removed)
6) After that, go back into the game and you should get the badge as soon as the cable is green. (If not, try experimenting with the values, but it should be a guaranteed badge-getter).
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See! It's not that hard, it's just for the lazy people who don't want to play legitly, or at least hack it with the hacks we gave you. How do you use an AoB? Find out here! What is cheat engine? Find out here! How do I use cheat engine? Find out here! If you are new here, READ THIS BEFORE POSTING! Moderator ? Posts: 786 Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:51 pm Top Ragnarok FAQ and Tutorial (broken image removed)by Aerelyte ?>> Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:22 pm Credit for this post goes strictly to Derek. If you like this post, please, show him some love by thanking him and giving him Karma. Its a small gesture to show appreciation for his work. Click Here to increase his Karma.
Q. Rag won't load my game/work correctly/work at all A. The cheating/hacking section of Rag no longer works since a previous Kongregate update. It's only use now is as a .SOL editor
Q. Rag won't load/ I get an error A. Make sure that you have the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installed (can be downloaded here). If you're still having problems, try another version.
Q. Rag shows an error when opening a .SOL A. No program is perfect. If you get an error, you will have to try and edit the .SOL file using another .SOL editor.
Example error: (broken image removed)
Quick Use Guide 1. Load Rag and select the 'SOL Editor' from the top 2. Open your .SOL, using either the 'Scan for SOLs' option or the open file dialogue 3. Find what you want to change in the .SOL 4. Change the data 5. Save the .SOL by clicking on the disk icon
More In Depth Tutorial When you first open Ragnarok (Rag from here on out), the first screen you will see is the web browser. Since Rag no longer works properly, this is pretty much useless.
(broken image removed)
Rag is mostly used as a SOL editor, since it is capable of editing AS3 .SOLs (which use the AMF3 standard if anyone is interested). Rag's SOL editor can be accessed by pressing the 'SOL Editor' tab at the top.
(broken image removed)
SOL Editor Interface Once you load up the SOL editor, the following screen will be displayed. I will explain which parts are important and what they do (the coloured boxes correspond with the coloured text below).
(broken image removed)
This is where all of your kongregate .SOL files are displayed once you have used the 'Scan for SOLs' button. Rag searches for .SOL files in both the 'chat.kongregate.com' folder and in the 'kongregate.com' folder. This list is also used to pick which .SOL file you want to edit (assuming you're not using the 'open file' button). Once you click on a file, it is displayed in the file tree below.
The file tree displays all of the data that is contained within the currently selected .SOL file. Clicking the small '+' next to an entry will drop down the contents of that entry. Clicking on an entry will display information about it to the right.
Information about the entries of the .SOL are displayed here. This typically includes the name of the entry and any information associated with it, both of which can be changed by entering new information into the text boxes. The information displayed changes depending on the data type of the selected entry. The different data types and what they look like are discussed further down the page.
Above the entry information are a series of tabs, which display the data type of the currently selected entry. This allows you to identify the data type and therefore what data you can enter.
Menu Buttons There are a number of different actions available in Rag, which can be accessed by pressing the buttons below the navigation tabs, as shown below (the coloured boxes correspond with the coloured text below).
(broken image removed)
The 'Scan for SOLs' button is used to search for .SOL files located within either of the main kongregate folders. Any .SOL files found in these folders are added to the display below the button, where they can be scrolled through and clicked on to edit.
The image of a file is used to browse for and open a .SOL file that is stored on your hard-drive (instead of just in the kongregate folders). Because it uses a file browser dialogue, it can be faster to load a .SOL that you know where it is stored rather than searching through the list from the SOL scan.
The image of a disk is used to save the currently selected .SOL file.
The image of the two green arrows is used to refresh the currently selected .SOL file. This is useful to see any changes that you have made through the game (when you save it) which can help identify what the entries mean.
The 'Swap SOL' button is used to replace the currently selected .SOL with another one of your choice. This is useful if you don't know where a .SOL file is saved and need to replace it with one you have downloaded. There is no confirm option so make sure that the .SOL you have chosen to replace is the right one, or else you will lose it.
Data Types There are three main data types that you will often encounter and be able to change: Number, String and Boolean.
(broken image removed) The number data type can only contain numbers (including decimals). The information displayed appears as above; the 'Number Value' box is where you enter the data and it will only let you enter numbers.
(broken image removed) The string data type can contain any text, which includes letters, numbers and symbols. The information displayed appears as above; the 'String Text' box is where you enter the data and it will let you enter pretty much anything.
(broken image removed) The boolean data type can either be a true or false value, which is represented by a tick box. If the box is ticked, the value is set to true; if it isn't ticked, the value is set to false.
Adding and removing entries New entries will sometimes need to be added. New entries can be added to any entry that has '+' next to it by right clicking on the entry, going to 'Add Child...' and then selecting the data type that you want to add. (broken image removed)
Removing entries is done in a similar manner. You right click on an entry and then select 'Remove Variable' to delete the selected entry. Be aware that there is no confirmation, so if you accidentally delete an entry, you will have to add it back in.
(broken image removed) How do you use an AoB? Find out here! What is cheat engine? Find out here! How do I use cheat engine? Find out here! If you are new here, READ THIS BEFORE POSTING! Moderator ? Posts: 786 Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:51 pm Top .Sol Files FAQ and Tutorial (broken image removed)by Aerelyte ?>> Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:23 pm Frequently Asked Questions
What is a .sol? A .sol is a game save file.
Where does it go? This can vary depending on your operating system. For XP Users, it will belong here in one of the sub folders in here:
Code: Select all C:\Documents and Settings\*USER*\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\*RANDOM NUMBERS AND LETTERS*\chat.kongregate.com
How do i find the .sol location of a game if a location has not already been posted by someone else?
When i try to open the .sol file, an error message comes up and the .sol file never gets opened. Why?
Sometimes when you try to open a .sol file, a message like this will appear:
(broken image removed)
All this means is that the .sol file is protected in some way. Its possible that some other .sol file editor will be able to
.Sol Files (Save Files)
For a guide on how to edit .sol files, refer to the Ragnarok post.
This is a guide on how to use .sol files for manipulative purposes. It's not that hard, you just need access to your chat.kongregate.com folder located here:
Code: Select all C:\Documents and Settings\*USER*\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\*RANDOM NUMBERS AND LETTERS*\chat.kongregate.com
Also, some games are stored in kongregate.com, but this is rare.
Code: Select all C:\Documents and Settings\*USER*\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\*RANDOM NUMBERS AND LETTERS*\kongregate.com
Note: This is for XP users only. If someone could message Aerelyte with the .sol file locations for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and any other OS, it would be appreciated.
In this guide, you MIGHT need AdBlock Plus for Firefox, or some alternative to find the game's .sol location. Sadly, I do not know of any. I say "MIGHT" because usually people on the forum will post where the .sol goes. You also need a save in the game you wish to hack, or the game's folder will not show in the chat.kongregate.com folder as there is no saved data.
.sol Files are save files stored on your computer. Kongregate accesses these files to load your saves. Some .sols are encrypted and cannot be edited by most .sol editors. We manipulate .sol files so that the game requirements are met and the badges are given almost instantly or after a certain action.
I will be using the most recent .sol file attached to a forum post. (Which will be tookie's DuckLife .sol) Also in this guide, I will be using * as wildcards, which will be a placeholder of your current situation.
Importing another user's .sol:
1) Let's start by actually downloading the .sol: download/file.php?id=398 and save that to a random folder, in this screenshot, I specifically made a folder in my Hacking Folder to hold .sols (my folder is messy (broken image removed))
2) Once the .sol is downloaded, we need to find out where to put it. Go to the actual game and wait for the game to load. Left-Click on the ABP Icon in the top-right or bottom-right corner (or wherever you it's Icon at) to open up the "Blockable Items" menu. Type in the search box "chat.kongregate.com". At LEAST 1 entry will show if the game is loaded, and you have to look at the link to see where the .sol is. Once you find where the .sol is located, exit the game (go back a page, do NOT be in the game, this is mandatory!) Example: DuckLife gameframe is loaded through: */gamez/0007/3523/* , so that's where the .sol is located.
3) Open C:\Documents and Settings\*\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\*\chat.kongregate.com\gamez\0007\3523\live\ducklife_kong.swf and also open up the place where you saved the .sol.
4) Now, as easy in 1 simple motion, drag the edited .sol into the game folder, and you will be notified if you want to modify the file, click Yes. There! Now that you have tookie's .sol as your .sol, go back into the game and start it up and load the save. Everything should be different as you are now playing what tookie was playing. Simple no?
Was that hard? .sol hacking is not that hard, it's just repetitive as you constantly have to download the .sol, put it in your folder, and so on.
Exporting your .sol for others to use:
Now, if you don't want to be a leecher and want to support the community, you can export your .sol for others to use. This is not hard, it's actually easier to share it