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I've been using CE 5.6 for a while, It's worked great. But, the bug just hapeend, I tried redownloading (twice) no win. When ever I do ANY numbers, AoB's, all that, it screws up and it just says ?? on all of it, And help? :oops: :?: (broken image removed) :cry: :| :geek:
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don't quite get what you're saying, but make sure you have hex checked if you're doing AoB's. If not, uncheck it. A screenshot would help, if the hex box isn't the problem
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However, i would suggest just redownloading and installing it again. If that doesnt work, the best place to get an answer is the cheat engine forums as they probably know more about fixing CE bugs than we do.
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Sorry spellcater but that didn't make much sense :| By the way it might be that you have the wrong window selected or, did you switch your browser? Because it does not work on Google Chrome.
This post was imported from an account that no longer exists! Previous Name: Awesomedude70 |
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Quote from: "Awesomedude70" Sorry spellcater but that didn't make much sense :| By the way it might be that you have the wrong window selected or, did you switch your browser? Because it does not work on Google Chrome. he said something about weird numbers, so I thought he might have been doing a 4 byte search with hex checked, so all the numbers would come out weird. Edit- yay 100th post after months of initial leeching. |
Level: 1
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Do one of the following. This has worked for me, as I have had this happen before.
Open an elevated command prompt. Enter the following EXACTLY Code: [Select] taskkill /f /im "Cheat Engine.exe" then press enter. Try it again. Otherwise reboot. (broken image removed)
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Otherwise if doing what the above post says doesnt work
Task Manager > Process > Firefox/Iexplorer > end process start browser again I get this problem all the time P.S try to end process for cheat engine first than do what i said |
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Delete all the .tmp files from the CE directory as well.
Tookie ![]() |
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Quote from: "2313231231" I've been using CE 5.6 for a while, It's worked great. But, the bug just hapeend, I tried redownloading (twice) no win. When ever I do ANY numbers, AoB's, all that, it screws up and it just says ?? on all of it, And help? :oops: :?: (broken image removed) :cry: :| :geek: I had this same problem the other day. Whenever I did an aob search, I would get only 1 resulting address with a value of "??". Whenever I would do a 4byte search, I would again only get 1 resulting address that always had a value of "1024" irregardless of what value I was searching for. In all of these searches, the parameters were always set correctly but for whatever reason, the results were screwed. I thought I was going to have to uninstall/reinstall CE again, but a simple reboot did the trick for me and I haven't had the problem since. |
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do i have to download it??? cuz i have the 5.5 var :?
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christ, I've still got 5.3! XD
Check before you post, someone may have beaten you there. |
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It's only really worth upgrading if you use some of the advanced features (memory viewer/disassembler, pointer scans etc) as those are the things that have been updated mostly.
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I don't know, suddenly it works, thanks for helping guys. I'll make sure to keep checking out this forum.