TIM's How To #1: How to not be a Douchebag
TIM's How To #1: How to not be a Douchebag Posted on: 08/03/2010 8:39pm
Quote Post
TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info
Hello there folks!  Nice of you to drop in.

*settles into the old rockin chair on the pourch*

Seeing as we have had a great number of people flock to our humble abode, I figured it was about time to sit down and reflect on the past couple of months and put together some readin' material for the youngins that be a settlin' in.  I know it isn't much, but it's the bare essentials, so they count.

For starters, please refrain from usin' the caps lock when posting.  Caps lock is not cruise control for cool, as some of you chillins may have heard.

We here at the KH ranch don't go for the sick, starving, vomiting cattle around these parts.  We raise bulls for competition.  So, if you come around begging for hacks and puking all over our nice threads, well son, we will have to put you out to pasture.

Some of ya'll come in odd pairs.  Please leave the double post behind and use the edit button.  It may be difficult to separate the second head from yer shoulder, but it will be better for you in the long run.

Karma is a killer here, and it's definitely a nice privilege to have more than 1 as of late.  Instead of romping around making a mess, try helping out, assisting other users, reading tutorials, and asking good questions that need to be asked.  How will you know what needs to be asked?  You'll know when the time comes.

The vast majority of the dedicated members of KH are specialists in breaking down flash games, meaning that there are very few of us that spend our days breaking apart other things.  If you bring some crazy critters down to our ranch, you might lose a finger, or a leg, or something like that.

Anyways, use common sense folks.  If you think what you're about to post is dumb, it probably is.  Remember the old saying "There are no dumb questions"?  That may be mostly true, but there are definitely some dumb people.  Asking the same question over and over becomes an exception that tends to startle the bulls, if ya know what I mean.

Well folks, I had better get before the dinner bell.  I hope you take an old man's words of wisdom to heard and stray from the path of wickedness and ignorance.

~The Ignorant Masses.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez