[Request]Biolabs: Outbreak

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[Request]Biolabs: Outbreak

Last Updated: 12/05/2010 10:48

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BioLabs Outbreak, a free online arcade game brought to you by Armor Games. The outbreak is bad and it must be stopped! Trap the outbreak by dispensing antidote cells to confine their movement,they will flail around and use all their energy until they...
[Request]Biolabs: Outbreak Posted on: 11/24/2010 6:29pm
Quote Post
Link: http://armorgames.com/play/1005/biolabs-outbreak
Is there an AoB to make it so you don't lose any antidote or to make it when you run out you don't lose?
Re: [Request]Biolabs: Outbreak Posted on: 12/05/2010 10:48am
Quote Post
disgruntled old man
plunger goes up:
66 de 02 2f 10 a0
66 de 02 2f 10 a1

poppers don't pop:
66 c0 07 60 81 01 a0 0c 02 00 00 26
66 c0 07 60 81 01 a0 0c 02 00 00 27

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