Reimagine :The Game:

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Reimagine :The Game:

Last Updated: 09/19/2012 02:29

Reimagine :The Game:

Last Updated: 05/31/2011 23:44

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Game Dscription
Reimagine first greets you with faceless celebrity caricatures hopping around the sides of a square, as you realize the GRAVITY of the situation. Everything around you... is part of the game. From Super Meat Dress, to Double Rainbow Double Jumps, to The Bieber Booty Call, to iPad iGravity, to Groundbreaking Earthquakes, to Apple-ture Science ... ... To MUSICAL PARODIES such as Somewhere Are Double Rainbows, Tik Locke, and EMIN3M BIEB3R... ... To the twelve-ish cutscenes of animated havoc and hilarity... ... To the nine-ish minutes of original soundtrack... ... To the twelve achievements that artificially create replay value... ... And to YOU. The more challenges you complete, the more you can customize your own character in the CHARACTER MAKER. When all the challenges are done, you can play AS YOURSELF. IN. THE. GAME. ...And you realize... Everything about the game... is part of you. OHHHH DAYUMN
Reimagine :The Game: Posted on: 05/10/2011 6:05pm
Quote Post
Re: Reimagine :The Game: Posted on: 05/31/2011 11:44pm
Quote Post
2c b4 0f - "Unzipping in the No-Fly Zone"
2c b7 0f - "Charged With Battery"
2c ba 0f - "The End The Game"
2c bd 0f - "So Vivid And Intense"
2c c0 0f - "Not That Dying On Lost MEANS Dying On Lost"
2c c3 0f - "Baby I Was Born To Survive"
2c c6 0f - "BWOOOOONG"
2c c9 0f - "Too Soon, Finish Late"
2c cc 0f -  "Viewer Number 301"
2c cf 0f - "Death By Slow Internet"
2c d3 0f - "Finding Out Who Your REAL Friends Are"
2c d6 0f - "EVERYONE IS YOU"