Amayeta Encryption
Amayeta Encryption Posted on: 06/11/2011 12:29am
Quote Post
System Bot
Ok, so there is a new game, named Elements of Arkandia and it has Amayeta Encryption

I know this because it looks like this:

Code: [Select]
if (!eval(true))
            x01 = eval("x01") - 318;
        } // end else if
    } // end if
    if (eval("x01") == 748)
        x01 = eval("x01") - 318;
    } // end if
    if (eval("x01") == 1)
        x01 = eval("x01") - 1;

I was woundering if there is anything i can even do to un-obfuscate the  code.

kolonelkadat's program in the other thread isn't working when ever I try to use it

Here is a screenshot:
(broken image removed)
You should click the picture to actually see something  (broken image removed)

This post was imported from an account that no longer exists!
Previous Name: Simple_AOB
Re: Amayeta Encryption Posted on: 06/11/2011 3:09am
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.
Quote from: "Simple_AOB"
kolonelkadat's program in the other thread isn't working when ever I try to use it
that you posted this 32 minutes before I made that post freaks me out.

but I dont know. maybe there is a new version of amayeta out?

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
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