Never let a computer tell me shit.
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Joined On: 11/18/2010
Last Login: 12/15/2017
Posts: 1616
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Highest Points:3,209,058.54
Hack Count:171
SOL Count:176
Vote Count:362
Post Count:1,616
Website:My Website
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I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
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Kong Hack Ultra Trainer
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Karma: 242
10/24/2018 socretes

I aprreciate everything you are doing on the trainers.

02/27/2018 tempuser001


10/27/2017 HaxXor1468

Ur good bro

09/04/2017 ShadowJacker

Amazing tool man. Thanks for creating this.

06/06/2017 necrosyz

this app developer....thumbs up

04/24/2017 k057a2

For posting this tool :) Thank you

04/21/2017 IonMastah69

Good work, keep it up

04/10/2017 thisguyisblank112

thanks for the trainer bruh

04/01/2017 fyropyro

That trainer yo

01/29/2017 PuppyKun

For helping fix KHUT with a helpful forum post. Unfortunately deleting \Data didn't work, so I had to restart my computer and do the thing to delete all click once apps. NBD and got it working I think.

12/06/2016 The Ignorant Masses

JFC, I know this post is old, but it's still funny as fuck.

11/03/2016 xvashii

Thx for ur service !

10/29/2016 Xiphoid

Thumbs up for making awesome software!

10/05/2016 Mordecai897

For all the softwares you made. Makes hacking a breeze!

09/22/2016 Mordecai897

Nulling that down-karma from that asshole.

09/22/2016 CodeDeath

Yea it is ninjakiwi you dumb fuck learn your websites

09/08/2016 Mordecai897

Helping out those newbies :P

08/31/2016 Mordecai897

Lol. True :P

06/28/2016 E1337Potato

Makes good tutorials and knows how to explain fixes, btw this is the first time im giving someone karma

06/18/2016 azazelnn

cant belive that KHUT is so accurate. Great job there m8. i karma late cos i barely installed KHUT now.

06/07/2016 piocahun1212

Thanks for the awesome hack :D

06/06/2016 Mordecai897

Awesome job on the new features on the KongHack Ultra Trainer. I like it a lot! :)

06/03/2016 Zarret

For being awesome

06/02/2016 jay8245

hey i am a newbie i am tryin to hack sas4 in bluestacks 2 need help

05/16/2016 jondawn

For programming geniusness

05/14/2016 Mordecai897

For the useful programs to help me make AoB's. Kickass man!!

04/19/2016 Mordecai897

Thanks for the points again! Here's another up karma!

04/19/2016 Mordecai897

Thanks for the points man! :D

04/15/2016 chrisscamargo

Thanks for explanations about trainer <3

03/06/2016 Revolver

Hes helping but he didnt try help me i hope some day it works for me :D

02/22/2016 stonerr

thank you so much i will try it now and get back to you you are amazing :)

02/18/2016 drcorona

good stuff

02/09/2016 randomly2100

Noticed you transferred 10k points to a noob and didn't get karma, so here goes :P

01/21/2016 randomly2100

This response is perfect.

01/12/2016 randomly2100

For being an honorable fellow, "devs have to eat too".

01/09/2016 Zenwaichi

you either make the video or give me private lessons

01/05/2016 int3l_x

khut really cool stuff dude..

12/24/2015 randomly2100

It was thanks to your video on aob hacking with cheat engine(removed by youtube), and your raw data aob extractor that I learned how to find aobs and make aob hacks with cheat engine and even how to manually wildcard them, and how to add extra bytes to narrow down the results.

11/22/2015 zazanha

Man, really, thanks for your hack

11/22/2015 randomly2100

You did a fantastic job, I am very impressed!

10/29/2015 Vilerevivor

Great work on the Trainer, i admire you.

10/23/2015 testx

thank you.

08/16/2015 LeUsername

You just abrired my day. :P

08/01/2015 styruslolz

u da real MVP! :D

07/03/2015 dunnoson

Good information

06/05/2015 Hucho

Thanks, now I can use the trainer again, you rock!!! :D

05/16/2015 wyrmslayer1337

Really Good Hacks, They Never Failed Me!

05/15/2015 angelika_angel

A very usefull tool. Thanx...

05/07/2015 GeneralX

KongHack Ultra Trainer is beter that CE after update it in 6.4 for me is little more hard to hack online games i hack more ofline games { but } i still learn it

Now about that karma i dont know if green hit is good or bad Sory :D

05/06/2015 mcgrizzle

Ultra trainer dont work everything downloaded cant get past initial application

05/06/2015 snoopino

wow, great, tnx :)

04/30/2015 Chuck_Norris007

GG man , you are the MVP

04/23/2015 styruslolz

Thank you ;)

04/19/2015 real_slow_one

thank again for the great work an effort I know you put into this site an the trainer as well.. wish I could say I have he skills also.. lol.. guess its why I envy it so much.. hehe.. keep up the great work man.. TRULY..

04/19/2015 dreamwalker

for fixing the trainer and kindly handling the matter

04/12/2015 Snowbridge

Ultra trainer badassary

04/06/2015 Nalren

This thing is purely amazing. Thank you for the time you put into it.

04/03/2015 felipejcs

Thanks ! You solved the json bug =)

03/21/2015 alex111953

Awesome! Now I can have more fun in singleplayer ninja kiwi games! Thank you so much!

03/16/2015 spongman4

Great job guys

03/15/2015 Mijo

This hack is the best. Kep up the great work.

03/10/2015 Cybafish20

Thank you for your help and immediate patching of the Ultra Trainer!

03/09/2015 rajakeren123

good job and nc badge hack :D

03/05/2015 zydar7

great job man :D

03/02/2015 legend123

Nice TRAINER, loving it.

But could you hack damage and attackspeed in Blue Moon on kongregate, it is a new RPG Game Online but solo player ^^ i tried CE and speedhack works but mobs also fast, i want to be fast not the mobs too ^^

02/26/2015 Klonopin

I love your website.

02/15/2015 Jakkie112

I hacked my Achievements

02/14/2015 eugene120897

He deserves it!

02/05/2015 AlexSkr

awesome programm

02/02/2015 hidden6018

Appreciate the help

01/25/2015 zydar7

i can t use ultra trainer, he say send error, and ask to the vender

01/18/2015 feenix1337

Super Helpful!

01/05/2015 mendoza21111

You are helping me with the AoB stuff

01/03/2015 Goro

Thanks again for the help KolonelKadat!

01/02/2015 Jessica225

You are the best man!

12/30/2014 veryconfusedperson

Super useful, thank you!

12/29/2014 dvidan55

Because it doesn't work duh :(

12/28/2014 Zenwaichi

I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart. In my heart I have one desire, And that one is you. No other will do.

12/27/2014 Goro

Thank you so much for helping me out. I was so focused on creating a single AoB for all Enemy Units, that I didn't think of changing them one by one (unit by unit). Huge thanks!

12/27/2014 bossx112


12/15/2014 macho

kong badge hack works like a charm :D although for some badges I have to manually press set value for it to work, but that's hardly inconvenient. nice work!

12/15/2014 NOPEDOPE

is it safe to close konghack after applied hacks?

12/15/2014 kapiroto

Funciona direitinho

12/14/2014 DarthMaverick

Thanks for the awesome trainer. Everything works great!

12/13/2014 XDgierman

Thanks for the Ultra Trainer

12/11/2014 lon3wolf666

Be sure to let them know why you're giving out karma!

12/11/2014 ckreeses

KongHack Ultra Trainer

12/10/2014 nanakaros I download the program you suggest me and the trainer works! But it still doesnt auto detect the game but its ok. Thanks !
12/10/2014 bossx112 great posts
12/07/2014 DipsWW Really makes hacking games easier! Thank you very much!
11/29/2014 rollerce Nifty program
11/29/2014 MrFnBeasty Be sure to let them know why you're giving out karma!
11/28/2014 GM3Rf0rL1F3
11/27/2014 taken4time Information! (and clarification) You do both so well.
11/26/2014 pistarandom
11/25/2014 KongregateHack
11/22/2014 fathead Quickly made a working hack for game request, +1.000.000 karma to this guy!
11/21/2014 acidic77 Memory dumper working well on x64
11/21/2014 gates http://blog.codinghorror.com/content/images/uploads/2009/12/6a0120a85dcdae970b01287770a775970c-pi.jpg
11/20/2014 safarisong2014 Hey, let me ask a favor, stop banning me...
11/15/2014 wakabom
11/10/2014 XXX2211 ur ossam. tnx for hack
11/09/2014 Tuinhoer top programm!
11/02/2014 R2D6138 nice
10/19/2014 theheartlessone
10/18/2014 stalker3205
10/15/2014 erchima512 i dont know
10/06/2014 dizzyd0 Just finished using KongHack on Kongregate and it works Great! Ty for the effort and time you put into this!
10/02/2014 pandahack Yay!
09/22/2014 frogtoast1984
09/18/2014 maczeta16 Nice trainer, almost bug-free for me :)
09/11/2014 legionofdeath13
09/07/2014 Storm_Constantine Amazing tool!
09/07/2014 Revenger 92 Great work on KH Ultra Trainer, a great idea
09/06/2014 synce24
09/05/2014 Black_D_Dragon wide knowledge on obfuscated code
09/03/2014 jasper2001 amazing
08/30/2014 fakechinesestuff amazing job on the ultra trainer
08/28/2014 Rambo1973
08/27/2014 xandro2 cause konghack :D
08/25/2014 jelly i just like seeing pdeker´s (if i remember hes name correctly) work carried on. THX!
08/22/2014 Frylock321 Awesome Tech support.
08/17/2014 saintfelix ultra trainer
08/15/2014 revinhydra
08/14/2014 Hamn
08/08/2014 kldon very nice this thank you.
08/07/2014 AlexSkr Amazin application!!!!!
08/06/2014 Arij12
08/04/2014 Alucard3rs i love u thats why
08/04/2014 Nathanrar1 this eases the process of searching online for Cheats/Hax, amazing tool
07/25/2014 TheDodger
07/20/2014 Default Awesome program.
07/19/2014 Mike7518
07/14/2014 Time2Duel Love this tool, downloaded it last night and it works so well!
07/13/2014 ArisSait
07/11/2014 Thop Team .
07/10/2014 hackling so useful
07/09/2014 royalpig
07/01/2014 MrFisherman GREAT HACK on dreamcar
06/29/2014 hacker97
06/27/2014 haiSexiBoi ur awsome
06/19/2014 RGentle Keep up the good work. Great App.
06/19/2014 kentpachi1 +rep hey sir i cant download konghack trainer can you help me? thanks
06/12/2014 omegasui
06/11/2014 MAAhack GREAT
06/08/2014 MrFisherman Thank you for spending the time to hack dream car racing.
06/08/2014 lordyoyo Great tutorial for a great tool.
05/31/2014 narancsosparizsi Because I like his trainer program.
05/28/2014 Lucifer Thanks a lot for the Konghack Ultra Trainer!
05/27/2014 ahiesya
05/27/2014 AnthonysToolbox thankyou for the definitions list and your videos too!
05/25/2014 sfclubboy Great work man on this app.
05/24/2014 timmyth
05/23/2014 Downtown Thanks
05/23/2014 Jeneral078 Because the KHUT update... really appreciates..
05/21/2014 michaeld987 The post is well organized and explained articulately so it is understood but not drug out.
05/19/2014 darzog Thanks for pointing me to the donate box.
05/18/2014 Ayosa Konghack trainer is amazing! Thank you!
05/16/2014 ASSASIN .
05/16/2014 DerpGaming The trainer is amazing :D
05/09/2014 DragoonDna Good job!
05/09/2014 Zarret Superb idea on the KongHack Trainer :)
05/09/2014 geobryvic
05/07/2014 Sobored1234
05/04/2014 nanda12896
05/03/2014 mauliate
04/30/2014 bracketbasher28 Yay trainer!
04/30/2014 ChubbyIndo Keep up the good work :)
04/30/2014 SlothIsSin Love it bro
04/29/2014 Frylock321 I can give karma?! Yay! Nice vid on Unity.
04/17/2014 EHoK Great KH trainer! :)
04/17/2014 thenewcomer KBH, ultra trainer, swfmdump, and dealing with retards in chat when im gone. i think this is the second karma ive given you
04/17/2014 gates The Ultra Trainer is fucking awesome!
04/17/2014 moniz03 BEST !!!!
04/10/2014 timmyth Thanks, I solved that issue with your help.
04/06/2014 bokloz1996
04/06/2014 evilsnow
04/05/2014 derderlappen
04/05/2014 SilverWombat Lumerians is a wonderful band. Thanks for sharing. :)
04/01/2014 CarlosHBC
03/30/2014 hidden6018 thx for the nice video tutorial :D !!
03/07/2014 maverick14343 generous person always looking in our game hack request and giving us some AOB hacks. Thumbs Up Sir.
03/05/2014 paqe ty 4 ur the gate trainer! i hope u'll get it better :>
03/04/2014 jarly The guy says "exe error". You reply with broken English and "pebkac", then he thanks you, calls you bro, and professes love. Sweet merciful crap; those three posts are glorious. That was hilarious, and thanks. I should like to add, there was another post where some guy suggesting a capo for easy chord-progressions and understanding chord shapes instead of learning root-third-fifth-seventh or whatever. You set him straight by encouraging the OP to learn a little theory instead of selling out by doing G-C-D all the way up the neck with a capo bar, and calling it a new song. Newfoundland Screech is a nice rum. Have a good evening.
03/03/2014 checoa ty bro
02/26/2014 Xxomat More than some hints !
02/21/2014 MasterCain AoB hack tutorial
02/21/2014 ledledlight thanks for tutorial.
02/20/2014 tokajima Thanks for the badge hack :D
02/17/2014 Lankylurkr If you have to ask, then you'll never know.
02/06/2014 mistogan Thx.
01/22/2014 Zosh187 Nice Programm Nice User :)
12/10/2013 gomorrah08 Thanks
12/08/2013 Zenwaichi kadat that post was legendary, I can't understand how you can be so keen and epicly badass. You make me feel like a gay ass pussy
11/30/2013 aciemz
11/30/2013 tutalang Nice hack sir, I just want to ask also if you can share the AoB for the battle message speed hack because I'm using either Comodo or Torch browser and your hack is only limited to I.E., Firefox or Google Chrome. Thanks!
11/29/2013 magnumbreak (y)
11/28/2013 rifat2103 Works Great..... thanks :D
11/27/2013 mxe Thank you Mastermind :D
11/27/2013 magnumbreak All hail lord Kadat
10/03/2013 jmcclain1299 awesome dude and awesome aob's
09/19/2013 ceroa Sword & Magic
09/19/2013 evilsnow
09/13/2013 Gotto Helping me fix my computer.
09/11/2013 tyj1995 Thanks for the awesome update on dead zone. appreciate it a lot!
09/06/2013 Bullba
08/26/2013 kautot090 best hacker
08/23/2013 Xellos
08/22/2013 Xellos
08/22/2013 alzakiel nice mutants genetic gladiator cheat tables and thanks you ^^
08/21/2013 Eddie06
08/20/2013 Nuiyuki thanks for youre nice job :3 I really like youre work in the MAA and Mutants section <3
08/08/2013 haenawolf Thank you!
08/06/2013 Zenwaichi wanking your pleasure stick a little bit to cheer you up
08/02/2013 fandango
07/28/2013 Cybafish20 - Enjoy the attitude Really though, not joking. Brutal Honesty is the only kind I know. I appreciate you being so straight forward. Some people whine and bitch about it, they like words sugar coated, even if they are simple ones.
07/27/2013 gates For my sig :D
07/15/2013 Auriel :3
07/14/2013 seido01
07/13/2013 twinsniper
07/08/2013 terox69 :)
07/02/2013 Nuiyuki thanks for youre work at KBH :3
07/01/2013 sku11b0n3 Reviving KBH
07/01/2013 f240891 kbh
06/30/2013 dudial good job ;)
06/30/2013 Vendora Thank you so much!
06/30/2013 gates For FINALLY finishing and releasing KBH
06/30/2013 The Ignorant Masses Fuck Yeah!
06/29/2013 sirius95 fast update code
06/27/2013 Auriel
06/25/2013 f240891 This user has helped into this topic.
06/25/2013 blahblahman
06/19/2013 Vikken You are very good :D
06/16/2013 BrandonZ201 MAA!
05/30/2013 kingeminem Keep up the great work
05/22/2013 Kalbintion
05/17/2013 KongregateHack Excellent suggestion :)
05/09/2013 wawawiki he helped me
04/26/2013 LeUsername Awesome!
04/19/2013 Shambhala Thanks a lot! Your aob saved me a ton of time!
04/17/2013 gates I use your SWF Memory Dumper and Raw Data AoB Extractor regularly. I've been using the original version of the AoB Extractor and just got the newest version. Nice work, bro.
04/15/2013 Maximillian Best point evar.
04/01/2013 polivilas Love ya :) (no homo)
03/24/2013 aaronamv2 AWESOME HAX0RZ
03/07/2013 The Ignorant Masses +Karma for all the awesome that you do!
02/21/2013 The Ignorant Masses Testing! :P
02/08/2013 BunkaHM Tnx for all ^.^
10/13/2012 The Ignorant Masses Epic Awesomesauce
10/11/2012 The Ignorant Masses Extensive Badassery
10/04/2012 Netbiatch Excellent on-request assistance in help section. Respect.
09/30/2012 The Ignorant Masses EPIC as usual. :)
07/19/2012 unknownuser karma up
05/01/2012 The Ignorant Masses Thanks for all of the hacks man!
04/12/2012 XxArachitexX for "greatly helping with the advancement of userscripts" Nice work Kolonel!
04/12/2012 The Ignorant Masses Thanks for the help bud!
03/25/2012 The Ignorant Masses Awesomesauce!
I'm Sponsoring
03/07/2014 - 10/29/2014 1,460.000
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