[Information] KHTrainer Windows XP dll
replacement dll for windows xp
KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/21/2014 1:43pm
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Never let a computer tell me shit.

here is a patched dll for xp

the dll is located in a folder under C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Apps
for example mine is located in the folder
C:\Documents and Settings\kadat\Local Settings\Apps\2.0\1EKOY9VG.LCD\AJ6JEYY2.V2R\kong..tion_3d34636251264ac6_0000.0001_3e3334a6cbe30a24

You may find the dll in multiple folders, replace them all. 

If everything works out with this dll I will do an official update that will include this dll so you dont have to copy it each time.

Attached Files
Filename Filesize Downloads
khtrainer.zip 137.51 KB 986

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: Windows XP test dll Posted on: 08/21/2014 5:58pm
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I can't see anything, i'm new here am i missing something?

RE: Windows XP test dll Posted on: 08/21/2014 6:11pm
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disgruntled old man

The link was removed. I'm going to assume it still needs some work. Keep an eye on this thread (you can bookmark it by clicking the star in the top right. Get to it by going to the User Control Panel > My Bookmarks) for an update.

New to Kong Hack and want to learn the basics? Check out the [Kong Hack 101] and the [Hacking 101].
Wanna learn how we make the hacks? Start with getting [the tools], then check these out: [AoB tutorial] | [.sol guide] | [Unity3d tutorial] | kadat's [video tutorials]
And if you don't already have it, check out the [Kong Hack Ultra Trainer]. You'll be glad you did!
RE: Windows XP test dll Posted on: 08/22/2014 7:18am
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Never let a computer tell me shit.

It is now working. with this dll, the trainer should no longer crash when applying hacks. 

the dll is located in a folder under C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Apps

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: Windows XP test dll Posted on: 08/22/2014 7:19am
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for example mine is located in the folder
C:\Documents and Settings\kadat\Local Settings\Apps\2.0\1EKOY9VG.LCD\AJ6JEYY2.V2R\kong..tion_3d34636251264ac6_0000.0001_3e3334a6cbe30a24

RE: KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/23/2014 8:22am
Quote Post
Never let a computer tell me shit.

Calling all mods! Please replace your copy of the DLL with this one regardless of OS. Please also delete the msvc...DLLs. Leave only this new khtrainer DLL and the system.drawing DLL. I want to ensure this runs on all windows versions from 5 to 6.2

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/23/2014 12:57pm
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
kolonelkadat Posted on: 08/23/2014 4:22am

Calling all mods!

you should call me in the chat. who actually moderates forums nowadays?

also, working on windows 7 ultimate 64x

RE: KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/23/2014 2:26pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Seems to work fine for me.  Win 7 Ultimate x64 

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/24/2014 5:42am
Quote Post

That got it working for me. http://prntscr.com/4fvp34 yes
I left the vccorlib, and manifests. msvc's were deleted. after applying new dll.


RE: KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/24/2014 3:12pm
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Damn forum ate my post angry
KHUT files:

Error on launch, used to work yesterday with the same files. Tested with and without the 3 M$VC runtimes, same thing:

Scan browsers doesn't find my portable FF:

Auto button in process selector - no fun either:

Manual search loads the game list, but no hacks again:

Also, the KBH button on the second page doesn't do anything 99,9% of the time...
Speaking of buttons, could you change the scan, search and apply buttons to the same visual design as the KBH button, please? I mean make them real buttons, not some text you click on.

Strangely, while (re)posting this i gave KHUT another try and this time retrieving the hacks worked. Even the KBH button worked... once... that's i don't say 100% above.

About the auto-vote thingy in the menu - it's for voting on hacks, right? Or it auto-rates the games?
If it's for the games make it disabled by default, please.
If it's for the hacks - KHUT doesn't have an automatic way to find if a hack works as intended. Pattern match doesn't confirm a working hack. I can easily pick 100 random pieces of a random game, randomly change a byte on each, then post them as hacks. And KHUT will vote them as working even if they crash the game when applied, right?
How about showing a "remember to vote" arrow on top of each used hack in the list after a successful patch?

Also added checkboxes for previously applied hacks.
Ability to undo pathes would be useful, as some games allow mid-game un/patching; i.e. stop life from decreasing until the level end, then undo the patch so it can count your "life left" bonus.

There was one more thing, but can't remember it now... maybe later.

P.S. how do i post images as thumbnails or something? Size settings seem to apply only in the posting form.

I have gone to find myself. If I return before I get back, please hold me here until I arrive.
RE: KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/24/2014 4:24pm
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The Laziest Man on KongHack
Creamy Posted on: 08/24/2014 11:12am

-pictures snip-

portable versions of web browsers are not supported.

also all the games you were trying to hack and got the error for, those hacks were submitted under general type rather than AoB (the icon in the top right of the hack shows that)
so the trainer will not grab them. the person that submitted the hack has to fix that. or if a mod is feeling productive and sees it, they can fix it as well.


Creamy Posted on: 08/24/2014 11:12am

Also, the KBH button on the second page doesn't do anything 99,9% of the time...

this is a bug with the Click-once application that i keep YELLING AT KADAT about along with elevated permissions for auto-update and registering the url protocol but he's too lazy to fix it.

Creamy Posted on: 08/24/2014 11:12am

I can easily pick 100 random pieces of a random game, randomly change a byte on each, then post them as hacks. And KHUT will vote them as working even if they crash the game when applied, right?

P.S. how do i post images as thumbnails or something? Size settings seem to apply only in the posting form.

the auto-vote is for the hacks, yes. and to answer your question, yes but you would end up banned really quickly since we have moderaters looking for that kind of thing.
as for the image thing, i have no idea, sorry. changing size in the post part doesnt do anything either last time i checked

RE: KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/24/2014 4:44pm
Quote Post

Didn't notice the hack type icon before you pointed it out, thanks. Having few issues at once makes things confusing.

About the browser portableness (is there such a word?), as i see it you don't need the executable location in order to scan for a running process. Just query the process list and compare against a list of known plugin host names.

btw. i had a few "Login failed" errors in KHUT, thought this could be related to its inability to retrieve hacks... seems it isn't.

Anyways, pretty good tool... when it works :)

Edited above post, added some suggestions.

I have gone to find myself. If I return before I get back, please hold me here until I arrive.
RE: KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/24/2014 8:22pm
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Never let a computer tell me shit.

the autoscan function also only supports the official stable release of the big3 browsers. At this point in time, users of deprecated versions of the big3 and users of whatever browser du jour will have to use the manual methods.

I use this AoB tool to make all the AoBs I post. Try the online version if you dont feel like downloading it.
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. They are so important that they named the operating system after them. But what is a window?"

RE: KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/24/2014 10:31pm
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TIM the Enchanter
Level: 1
ADR Info

Failing to login means you probably left your caps lock on.

The image sizes are cleared to prevent insanely sized images.  The system auto-scales based on the max size of the image, and the max size of your browser window and the available area for the image.  The system also applies the lightbox.

Everything's coming up KongHack!

"When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours" ~Rick Sanchez

RE: KHTrainer Windows XP dll Posted on: 08/25/2014 4:21am
Quote Post

It wasn't due to mistyped credentials, those were saved from previous logins. Also copy/paste.
Probably communication error.

Image auto-scaling doesn't seem to work here. Also parts of longer text get hidden on the right side because of this.
Gotta check with a clean FF profile later...

I have gone to find myself. If I return before I get back, please hold me here until I arrive.