Greedy Ghouls
Greedy Ghouls
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Greedy Ghouls

Last Updated: 02/05/2012 20:48

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Greedy Ghouls, a free online shooting game brought to you by Armor Games. Those ghouls are at it again! Defend yourself and your money tree while completing 30 tasks to succeed....
Greedy Ghouls Posted on: 02/04/2012 5:54am
Quote Post

Money: 4byte * 8

I don't know about health though, but money is pretty much all everyone needs right?

Edit: Don't buy the gun that costs $99999999! It does not work, and definitely not meant for someone to get!
Re: Greedy Ghouls Posted on: 02/04/2012 8:24pm
Quote Post
I managed to "win" the game, but I did get stuck on completing one aspect of task number 7: keep windfall for 2 minutes. I tried a number of values to find find the windfall address, but no luck. Have you found a way around this task?
Re: Greedy Ghouls Posted on: 02/05/2012 7:55am
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Quote from: "NormaTheNorman"
I managed to "win" the game, but I did get stuck on completing one aspect of task number 7: keep windfall for 2 minutes. I tried a number of values to find find the windfall address, but no luck. Have you found a way around this task?
Tried, didn't find anything. All I found in its SWF was, like, a bunch of "windTime" what-seems-to-be objectives. I'm not that brainy of a guy so I have no idea which is which   :roll:
Re: Greedy Ghouls Posted on: 02/05/2012 8:48pm
Quote Post
disgruntled old man
Invincible: (change both)
96 04 00 08 22 08 22 1c 96 05 00 07 ?? 00 00 00 0b
96 04 00 08 22 08 22 1c 96 05 00 07 ?? 00 00 00 3e

Windtime achievements for time over 1: (change all 3)
96 02 00 08 6d 52 96 05 00 07 ?? 00 00 00 48
96 02 00 08 6d 52 96 05 00 07 01 00 00 00 48

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